Hello,I recently picked up two typewriters that were on sale for Black Friday for 5 bucks each. The Smith Corona is in working condition, types smoothly and has a case and manual. The Royal needs some sprucing up and de-sticking (which I intend to do) but is also in working condition and has a cover and manual. If I were to put them up on ebay (separately) what would be a reasonable amount to ask?Thanks.
Here are some photographs:
I would put these up for no more than $60. The Smith-Corona would be around $30-40 because it's not a highly desirable model. But if it works, then someone will buy it. And it comes with the manual so that's a plus. The Electress on the other hand, is more valuable. I have never really seen an Electress for some reason, only its counterpart the Empress. Since the Electress is a bit more rare, I'd do $50-60. Especially since it comes with its own manual. So those are in my opinion fair prices. Be be warned: just because it's a typewriter, doesn't mean it'll sell. So go lower than what you usually see on ebay. They're WAY overpriced. Though I hope they sell!
I don't know where you live - that is an important factor when asking about what a machine might be worth - but if you were in my area I'd definitely be after that Electress; I've been looking for one for a while now to compliment my Empress.
I live In Pennsylvania. It's really hard to find information about the Electress - do you have anything you can pass on?
I am not sure if what you mean is where you can find one, I am not sure. But if you want to know about one, I can tell you a few things: For one thing, they have a rather pleasing touch and action, about like a type bar IBM, and just as smooth. The return doesn't jar the desk. The print is usually good--as least the ones I've owned. And here's an interesting factoid: The Royal Electress is the first typewriter that was completely designed by a computer, which is really something considering they were first available about 1962, and computers filled up whole rooms, had a fraction of the power that an I-Phone has, and the idea of a printer is a modified electric typewriter atop a machine called a Robotyper.