While seeking to adjust the upper and lower case letters--looking for an adjustment--I removed the plate that screws on behind the platen knob. The plate is on the left side of the carrage. It had two screws. When it came off a V shaped spring fell out. One arm comes down making a circle and extends out again forming a V. That is what gives it the spring effect, like you can press the two ends together and they spring out again. Well...I wasn't sure how it went back in again. Placing the circle around the forward screw, behind the plate, and hooking the ends in a way that seemed to give the carriage release arm more spring, I screwe the plate back on.
Something wrong. Now I find the knob that gives the platen three settings for forward line spacings is loose, and catches the right setting haphazardly. Obviously, that spring keeps that knob adjusted. Taking the plate off again I could not see how the spring was origionally on. It looks simple enought but alludes me. Can someone help?
Last edited by Uwe (24-3-2015 17:54:59)