Looking for information on having a typewriter powdercoated. Any info appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Could you be a little more specific? Are you looking for powder coaters in your area? Or what prep work the case of the typewriters needs prior to being powder coated? I assume it's the case that you're talking about and not literally the entire typewriter?
Hi Thanks for the reply! I have a SCM Classis 12 that I would like to re-do the case in Seahawks lime green. I have never had anything powdercoated, would assume the paint would need to be removed...There are several powdercoating companies in my area. Just curious if anyone has had a similar item done and if the results were worth the cost vs repainting.
It would be best to contact a couple of the companies in your area as preparation is often something included in the price. I haven't had a typewriter case powder coated, not because I don't like the idea, but because I've never wanted to spend that kind of money on a machine. Even re-plating is a costly exercise; for example, to have individual nickel key trims re-plated is $6 a piece (in my area), which means a 42-key keyboard would run $252, and that's before you've even addressed all of the machine's control levers or trim pieces on the case.
I could see investing several hundred dollars in restoring a machine that had significant importance, whether it was sentimental or because the model was truly rare, but to spend that kind of money on a run-of-the-mill typewriter doesn't make sense to me, not when you could buy many typewriters for the price.
If you do go the powerder coating route I hope you document the process well and provide us with some before and after photos. I would consider it to be a far more desirable finish than paint, but is it worth the extra cost? That would depend on the typewriter and the importance it holds for you.
Thanks for the info. I agree, this machine is not really worth putting a bunch of money into.