My Remington Portable #2 seemed to work fine on arrival. On day 2, it had developed an interesting quirk: it would not type in the horizontal position! Typebars move about half way to the platten and stop, but they do work in a vertical position. By trial and error I found to make them work it was necessary to raise the back of the machine by an angle more than about 15 degrees. Sometimes it will continue to work for half a dozen key strokes returned to horizontal, but the problem always returns. Only mechanical operation I performed between working and not working was lowering and raising the typebars. Space bar continues to work properly in any position.
I examined the mechanism while tilting the protable around over my head but could not figure out what was falling in or out of place. I think if the first time I used the machine it had been as much as 15 degrees tilted I would have noticed! Any ideas?
P.S. One abnormal thing is that while it is normally screwed into its case, protecting the mechanism from the bottom, I don't have the case. So maybe I touched something in handling it.
So wait, when the typebasket is down, it does not type? That is normal then, its not supposed too. When you raise them, then it is supposed to.
If this is not the poblem, I would reccomend taking off all the panels and see whats going on. Those early remingtons are very easy to take apart.
TypewriterGuy wrote:
So wait, when the typebasket is down, it does not type? That is normal then, its not supposed too. When you raise them, then it is supposed to..
Sorry - guess I was unclear. I lowered the typebasket when I put it aside and the following day when I raised the typebasket it had developed this issue. I repeated lowering and raising several times, and made sure the control was fully in the raised position.
TypewriterGuy wrote:
If this is not the poblem, I would reccomend taking off all the panels and see whats going on. Those early remingtons are very easy to take apart.
I did spend some time trying to figure out what was going on from the bottom - hampered by the awkwardness of holding the machine over my head to see the bad horizontal position (at least it's a portable). Being late and besotted with beer I quickly took the lazy way of hoping somebody else had seen this issue, but I shall try again under the beneficent influence of coffee and daylight.
I see the ambiguity in my original post...
By "horizontal position" I mean when the machine is in a normal horizontal position - the typebars were in their normal raised position. Whatever the problem is it is corrected by gravity when the machine is tilted forward (rear up) past an angle of 15 or 20 degrees.
Ok to take off the top panel take a look at the sides (This is for model 1s, but the 2 cant be too different)
You will see two screws at the very top of each side panel, unscrew them.
Lift up the top.
The part that raises the typebars commonly (on mine) comes out of the braackets that guide it up. That may be your problem.
You must recall I am a tyro without proper tools or experience.
Of these four screws one came out with moderate torque, the other three did not. I applied some tiny drops of mineral spirits around the head of the second one and tapped it a few times - not quite the right stuff I'm sure - and torqued it until I had produced a small dent in the slot by either side of the screwdriver blade, and had sense enough to stop. So I think I shall put this aside until I have some better screwdrivers and a bit more experience. Penatrating oil? This is a big city - I should be able to find an actual physical gathering.
I did find one typewriter repair place in Brooklyn - taking a virtual look at the supposed address on Google Streets I walked all the way to the end of a gritty dead end street in an industrial area of Greenpoint Brooklyn, and found myself looking at a chain link fence and a tank farm on the waterfront. If this were a game, the next sound effect would be a car crunching the gravel behind you, so you would turn around and see two guys named Tony and Vito getting out, who were not smiling.
On the end of North 12th Street, nobody can hear you scream.
Is the screw driver your using have a pointed/slanted edge, or just a flat edge? You need screwdrives with a square edge, or it will slip and strip the screw.
Obviously I cannot see your machine, but it sounds as if there is a problem with the line-lock mechanism, possibly a return spring missing or detached. When the machine is in the normal position, it 'thinks' that it has reached the right margin, and locks the keyboard. With the machine tilted back, gravity takes the place of the spring and the keyboard releases, albeit temporarily. You might be able to test this theory by trying the margin release button to see if it has any effect. If you put your fingers under the machine, you might well have knocked a spring off without realising it.
TypewriterGuy wrote:
Is the screw driver your using have a pointed/slanted edge, or just a flat edge? You need screwdrives with a square edge, or it will slip and strip the screw.
Yes. I had read that caution before, and I have no proper mechanic's screwdrivers (?), so at least I was cautious. However, I did find a better quality screwdriver with nearly parallel sides at the tip which filled the slot completely. After that I got the screws out with no problem.