I want to replace the handle on my Blickensderfer 7 typewriter case. One of the arrows has ripped off (But I still have it) I found the exact size handle I need, BUT! How do I insert it into the handle holders without taking them off? If I have to take them off, there are rivets holding them in place. I beleive they are snap head rivets. What do any of you reccomend?
Would it be possible to replace the rivets with tiny screws and nuts ?
Proabably, But I want it close to original aspossible.
Hard to to give exact advise without knowing what they look like, but it should be an easy enough job to drill out the original rivets and replace them with new ones. Depending on the type of rivet that was originally used threre are many options available. I'd be surprised if the originals are POP-style rivets, and would guess that cap rivets were used, which is good because they are available in many sizes and materials such as copper, nickle, and chrome, so I'm sure you should be able to come very close to matching the originals.
Uwe they are close enough to cap rivets.They have a bump on the top though, a few mm high.
Photo? You just need to measure an existing rivet and see how close you can come with a replacement. Most important will be the thickness of material that the rivet has to hold together, along with the diameter of its shank.
Ill be posting a photo tomarrow, and a photo of a few mystery parts.