The piece of metal that covers both ribbon spools, is missing off my Royal Safari. If you have this is ANY color, please tell me. I would love blue to match it, but thats okay, I can repaint.
Contact me if you have one!
Hi TW Guy
If you have an eBay account, get in touch with eBay member 5930grac, and ask him if he still has the various covers from the blue Royal Custom III typewriter. Let him know that skywatcher61 recommended you, he may remember selling me the plastic paper guide (item # 321581301843) in November of last year. Hope this helps and all the best,
Ok, I will! Thanks.
Bought one off of eBay. Really beat up, but then again, so is my Safari. So Im repainting it to a nice glossy red... Or a black.... hmmmmmm...