Hey folks.
When out on the town today, I saw a fairly nice Underwood Model 5 standard typewriter. Earlier model.
I seriously considered buying it. But I held back and desisted, for the following reasons:
1. The carriage wouldn't move when the spacebar, or any of the keys were pressed.
2. The spool-cups wouldn't turn when the spacebar, or any of the keys were pressed.
The backspace, shiftlock, bell, carriage-release, mainspring, carriage drawband and everything else seemed to work fine. But the carriage-advance did not.
Why would this be the case, if everything else works? The mechanism is not, so far as I can tell, damaged. Would simple cleaning, flushing and oiling get the mechanism working?
I didn't want to risk my money on purchasing an uncertainty, despite the generally good condition of the typewriter.
In a situation like that, what would you do? And what can be done to fix such an issue?
Something tells me that the ribbon advancing pawls are somehow stuck. They'll do that to an Underwood, and completely freeze one dead in its tracks. I encountered this several times. Pull both pawls on the righthand side away from that ratchet wheel and see if the space bar and/or keys advance the carriage. If they do, your problem is in those pawls.