My Royal has a bent return lever. Id usually bend it, but its extremely thick. Anyone know what I should do?
Ive already been hammering away, and its not working at all...
It doesn't even clear the platen knob... It doesn't look very bent in the photo, but it is bent.
My first instinct would be to find an anvil, a hammer, a pair of pliers, and a blowtorch. Take the lever just above where you have your fingers in the photo with the pliers (Vice Grips will work even better). Then, put a little bit of heat on it, but not too much--you don't want to turn it cherry red. Then place the lever on the anvil still holding onto it with the pliers, and tap on it where it's bent until you have the lever straightened out to where it can be used again. After you're done, dip it into a bowl of oil to quench it.
Hmmmm, I've been thinking of that. Wouldn't the heat take off the nickel plating?