Anybody have $100,000?
An amazing and probably unique collection that we have seen before at TT - and interesting that it is still not sold (or any part of it?). I believe the advice generally given was to list each machine by itself with good clear photos etc., but the listing still seems to be the same. Interesting though!
beak wrote:
...collection that we have seen before at TT - and interesting that it is still not sold
You're right. I too remember that we discussed this collection before, but it must have been quite a while ago because I can't recall the context of the thread that it appeared in. I guess I should use the search function and dig it up...
I saw it pop up previously on Craigslist when I was bouncing around upstate New York in September of last year. Syracuse, perhaps? Interesting that it has now migrated southward to Philadelphia--even though, as you note, the pics are exactly the same as when I'd seen them before.
Here's an article about it from a few months ago. At that point, he was still here in Syracuse. I'm not sure if he's still here.
Some sellers will post ads in other areas to drum up interest; let's face it, if you're trying to sell a $100k collection you would be foolish to only advertise locally, especially in a small market.
Here's the previous thread on this subject from Sep. 2015: