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14-3-2016 20:01:25  #1

Olivetti Lettera 25

Recently a typewriting school, (that kind of the 70/80s) and, lately, PC store too, closed. A friend of mine, of the cleaning team, has "leaked" :-D the owners daughter has found some Olivetti Lettera 25 forgotten in stock, still in original cardbox, NOS VTG, Made in Mexico. As they had a lot of students, at the end of formation, they could buy a typewriter still in school.

So, some typewriters were left behind...I don't know how much the person will ask on price but if a nice price, maybe one more to join my "collection" [of 1 unis traveler :-))) ]

That said, my friend saw the typewriters , as one box was opened to see the content, condition (it seems they have some rust spots, here and there, on external "carcass") but in general, everything OK, protections and plastic bags still unopened and taped card box, instructions included and that soft vinyl bag, seen somewhere here, kind of a messenger bag with shoulder strap.

Any suggestion or advice about will be welcomed.Thank you all.

That said, how is the performance of this machine? Well made or same quality of the Brazilian Olivettis? Does it performs well or just a "white elephant"?



15-3-2016 12:39:19  #2

Re: Olivetti Lettera 25

I own a couple of these machines, and like to describe them as the poor man's Valentine, not because their performance is sub-par to the grossly overpriced Valentine, but because its design is reminiscent of it - and they're inexpensive to buy. 

Typing performance of the Mexican-made 25 is decent - nothing to write home about, but also nothing to really complain about either - and it's good value if you get one cheap. I'm not a fan of the "messenger" bag; although I really like the idea of it, and how the concept pre-dated laptop bags, it doesn't work well because it's such a tight fit and doesn't provide any real world protection for your machine.

If you like Lettera models and you can get one for a low price, then I'd suggest you buy one. It's a must-have machine for any Olivetti collector, but if your storage space is at a premium and you are looking for a high-quality ultra-portable, I'd look elsewhere. There are far better typewriters in this size that can be had for around the same amount of money.


The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

15-3-2016 13:12:11  #3

Re: Olivetti Lettera 25

Thank you so much for your input. It seems the owner is asking EUR 45/CAD 67, a bit high for European standards, I suppose, but if a serious interest maybe lower prices could be reached...Anyway next week-end I will have some numbers and after seeing the typewriter "alive".

I've seen too, recently, a Blue Studio 46 (45?) but the owner was asking about EUR 100/CAD 150... No way, it was too much for my kind of "afición" , good condition in general, but the price, oh well... 

BTW, "...and you are looking for a high-quality ultra-portable, I'd look elsewhere. There are far better typewriters in this size that can be had for around the same amount of money." 

Ah OK, thanks. I'm looking for portables, indeed. Which ones, let's say a top 5 (and personal opinion and taste, obviously, "qui n'engage personne") should I search for? 

Thanks again 


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15-3-2016 13:57:11  #4

Re: Olivetti Lettera 25

I personally would never spend EUR 45 on a Lettera 25. On average I've been buying them for around $10 CAD, but I could see myself spending up to $40 CAD for one that is in very good condition. As for the Studio models, my average cost has been $45 CAD, but I'm really not a fan of their type action and have sworn off of buying any more of them. 

I think any discussion of other potential models should factor in any budget that you might have, and consider the overall availability of models within your area. There's little point point in my recommending a very expensive machine that abundant in Canada but rare in Europe if you want something inexpensive and easy to get.

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

15-3-2016 14:30:16  #5

Re: Olivetti Lettera 25

True,true, indeed...Thank you

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