For people in the US, this is not a bad deal:
Comes out to $4/ribbon
I found one on eBay that comes to 2.50 a ribbon... its there somewhere, its an 8 pack.
Uwe wrote:
I'm sure you have a Staples in your area. Some stores actually stock the ribbon ($10), and if not you can order it through them and still get it for the same price. When I had a reasonably sized collection it was the most cost effective solution available to me at the time.
Yes, thanks, Uwe. I didn't want to advertise for them so I didn't mention them by name. But they have a sub $10 CAD ribbon that I could use and so I'll be heading their way soon.
TypewriterKing wrote:
I usually get ribbon cartridges for dot matrix printers (about $15.00 each) from Office Depot. I can make one or two ribbons from a cartridge. I wind it until I see the diagonal splice (and experience a sore finger and thumb), cut it there and wind it onto some old spools, and I usually come out pretty good.
I had been thinking about that route too. But an office supply store locally has some inexpensive ribbons (as I mentioned above).
Actually, I'm thinking of being an extreme cheapskate and plan to cut up the generic spool.
I'm currently prepping my old Brother Charger 11 for my young niece and while I am hopeful that she'll become enamoured with typing on it, she may not (she's only 10). So if I cut up and give her only half the length of a regular ribbon, she'll have a fresh one but I'll still have the other half to put into another one I'm fixing up for myself.
I realize that I'm being exasperatingly frugal but realistically, I won't be typing out novels on my typewriters. I just want each to have some good ribbon for when I do tinker with them.