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08-4-2016 18:23:35  #11

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

As it happens, I love an SG3 - mine is the newer model than these, so not quite as pretty, but it's an utter joy nevertheless.


08-4-2016 19:57:52  #12

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

Patronising?!  I'm very sorry.  I didn't know I struck such a nerve.  And, yes, I did choose to comment on it.  In my country, it comes under the heading of free speech.  Just as you have the free speech to make the observation you have made on me.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

08-4-2016 20:00:11  #13

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

Oh, and another thing:  I have never been too wild about fashion and modeling.  Smack my face on that one!!

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

08-4-2016 20:06:36  #14

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

One last thing:  You can take your sour opinions of me and stuff 'em down the sewer!!!  That's all I have to say!!!  GOOD BYE FOLKS!!!

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

08-4-2016 20:07:13  #15

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

TypewriterKing wrote:

One last thing:  You can take your sour opinions of me and stuff 'em down the sewer!!!  That's all I have to say!!!  GOOD BYE FOLKS!!!


Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

09-4-2016 04:23:45  #16

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

To TypewriterKing :  Yes, as Kat London says, there is a thriving film industry in England.  There are quite a few 'props houses' that hire out items for filming - including typewriters.  The Acton area of London is the 'props' centre, with several firms in one area.  Another one is way out in the sticks and occupies an old brewery building because it is cheap storage space !


09-4-2016 05:46:14  #17

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

TypewriterKing wrote:

TypewriterKing wrote:

One last thing:  You can take your sour opinions of me and stuff 'em down the sewer!!!  That's all I have to say!!!  GOOD BYE FOLKS!!!


I'm an absolute defender of the free speech you claim as justification for your every thought on every subject.  Thing is, the right to carte-blanche agreement by the rest of the world, and to temper tantrums if you don't get it, don't come in the same package. 


09-4-2016 09:08:53  #18

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

Um... OH DEARRR... 


09-4-2016 09:31:46  #19

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

...and the award for the shortest membership with the least to say of any interest goes to....

OK, I know; sorry.  I've had my fun.  Over now.  Back to the business of things typewriter.


09-4-2016 10:53:28  #20

Re: London Fashion Week: Typewriters on the catwalk

In the 3+ years Typewriter Talk has been around, I'm happy to say that this sort of thing has only happened once before, and even then it was with someone who was only here briefly and clearly didn't understand the forum or the comments posted in it. Misunderstandings and damaged sensitivities are not always easy to avoid, but I think we do an excellent job of remaining civil and respectful here. And if someone repeatedly finds themselves at odds with others in such an calm environment, then it's probably a good sign that they should look in the mirror and ask what role they played in causing the situation to explode.

Enough of this. It's an unpleasant way to start the weekend, and now that it's over I think we can go back to our favorite subject... 

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

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