Can anyone recommend a good option for replacing the rubber feet on a Royal KHM? The feet on mine are present but significantly worn. I expected this given the age of the machine, of course.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you!
I might be able to make you replacments. The stuff I make mine out of has layering (From how they are made), and are not AS grippy as rubber, but almost. They are just as hard as rubber. If your interested, let me know.
Other wise, you can try and make some out of rubber stoppers and such found at hardware stores. I do know that KHM feet are square (Wait, right?), so I dont know how easy it would be.
That'd be an interesting option to explore. How much would you charge for a set--you can PM if you'd like--?
If going the DIY route, would I start with something like this?
Let me know if you need any measurements. I'll upload some pictures of the feet this evening. It's not an emergency but I plan to have this machine out on my desk and want it as close to perfection as I can get (it will see a lot of use in the coming years).
Thanks again!
These people make good quality rubber feet for the Royal 10. The KHM feet might be sufficiently similar to fit.
It would certainly be worth asking !