I debated whether to post this in Recent Acquisitions but decided to go straight to Repair:
Given its tired appearance and mechanical issues I overpaid, but to the extent it does work it seems like it will be a fine writing machine and a pleasure to use. First issue:
The ribbon does not advance. Moving the lever over in the lower left changes the ribbon which freewheels as it should, but the ribbon which does not freewheel does not rotate and cannot be rotated. They are just frozen.
The other problem is the carriage, which encounters mechanical resistance when pushed past center to the left. I does not seem like dirt and there is no sense of scraping, just resistance - something like setting the magic margin only harder, but it's not a problem with the margin: the right margin can be set and dutifully rings the bell even inside the offending range of motion.
So why did I even bother showing the inside of the typewriter when this adds nothing to my lazy recitation? Only because I was at first going to post that and ask if the ribbon mechanism looked complete. I felt there should be some arms between the spools and the ribbon vibrator, but then it hit me! The mechanism is inherited from the 10, and its ribbon path goes straight from spool to vibrator. Photo also has a teaser of an even elite typeface. Tired looking or not it will be a good working typewriter. When it works.
First of all, you will always have a rollout (free-wheeling) spool and a takeup (non-free-wheeling) spool. When either spool is in the takeup mode, meaning the worm gear is in mesh with that side of the ribbon mechanism, it will not advance with your finger. The only way to get both spools to free-wheel is to push back on a little lever above the takeup selector. That takes the worm gear out of mesh with the ribbon mechanism. Put back in takeup mode, the ribbon will advance only when the carriage is moving. You should see ribbon movement when you close the top and run the carriage side to side. Switch spools with the ribbon reverse lever, and see that it goes the opposite direction. The ribbon mechanism, like the machines of the early 1900s to the Litton Royals of the early 1970s, is driven by the spring drum via a small driveshaft to the front. You'll see a little essy-thing (for want of a better term) spin and occasionally contact one of two small wheels above or below it. Sometimes these lock and need to be oiled and freed with a pair of needlenose pliers.
After you resolve any issues (or assuming there were no issues), there is a little bit tougher a matter--the unevenness of the carriage travel--a sore spot with Royals. It could come from the holddown hooks not properly adjusted on the main track (topside on the carriage). You should have only a really tiny bit of play so that the carriage will travel free. Too loose and you'll possibly have uneven type, but certainly lose bearings. Another problem, and this could account for the unevenness of carriage travel resistance, is that the rear carriage rail is higher on one side than the other. This is a very tricky adjustment. But one thing you've got on your side is where the bolts are holding the rail on have dug into the paint enough to sort of "matchmark" your original position. Try only loosening one side enough to pull up or down on it, while loosening the other just ever so slightly to provide pivot. You'll have to do this several times--think trial and error here. Eventually, you'll get it more in tune than it was before. And if you get it way out of whack, remember your matchmarked starting points and start over. I hope this helped. Let me know how you come out.
TypewriterKing wrote:
First of all...
Ah, thank you! I must get in the habit of reading "New Posts" when I log on or at least Recent Posts because I would have missed this if I had not gone back to add some info...
With respect to the spools I did realize my error supposing it would be possible to turn the engaged spool by hand because I saw the worm gear down inside on at least one side, and of everybody knows you cannot reverse drive a worm gear! In fact, with the spools off the drive mechanism seems to work fine so apparently there is just a superficial problem engaging the spools - which some previous owner had encountered because the tops of the spools were bent down as if by somebody trying hard to seat them, and the ribbon was wound around the outside of one which had turned after bent so the ribbon could not wind properly.
As for the carriage... thank you for words of power "hold down hooks", not quite sure where to find them. I did get the idea the roller was binding in the rear channel because the channel had been compressed on one side. One piece of evidence was a moderate amount of fore and back play in the carriage over the range where it was moving freely which disappeared when it bound. More careful measurement showed my theory didn't pan, but the track being slanted sounds like it would lead to the same result and I will try to adjust that.
I kept hoping unreasonably that there was only some gunk somewhere, and I dribbled a fair amount of mineral spirits along the main track with the machine on its side and moved the carriage back and forth repeatedly to free it up... until I noticed a small flake of nickel (?) plating appeared and the feel of the resistance started to have a slight grinding note. OOPS! I can only hope I have not damaged something else trying to fix the first problem. One edge of the rear channel is chewed up as if somebody had been trying to bend it open with a pair of pliers, and evidently they knew about as much as I did.
I had come back to ask for instructions in removing the carriage so I could see what was going on... can the two adjustments you propose be done with the carriage in place?
Yes. All you have to do is just slide the carriage either to one side or the other, depending on which bolts you want to loosen. In fact, to align the rear channel, you must have the carriage on if you going to raise/lower one side or the other so you'll be able to test your adjustments.
Just how badly is the rear rail chewed up? I've seen them bent from having been knocked around or even dropped. But then to come along afterward and attempting to straighten this rail with just a pair of pliers that way. This one can be done with the carriage in place, but the best thing to do in order to straignten that rail is to remove that rail from the machine. Just undo all four bolts (remember the little scratches in the paint around the boltholes, or matchmark them yourself, slide that puppydog outta there and hopefully, if the rail is too far gone, to either find another one of the same length (you can at least interchange with an HH and maybe a KMG and KMM, but you'll need to check the last two), or you can take it to a machine shop and see if they can straighten it out for you.
Not too badly chewed up - I just can't go through the multi-step process right now to post an important photo of the chewed up rail, but mainly it has some small marks that look like the flange was gripped by a pair of pliers though there is no waviness or unevenness suggesting it was seriously bent up. I am guessing the person who made the marks made the same original assumption I did - that the roller was binding because the width of the track varied - and was trying to fix that but did not make much progress.
It's getting harder and harder to make repairs because every day is a gridlock alert day for typing machines in my little niche. Time to pass some of them on I guess. The IBM electric is like a difficult girlfriend - she is so annoying with her arbitrary obstructionism, but when she puts on a new silk ribbon wow! What print quality!