The question I made a poll on didn't seem to go over too well, so I'll try something different: Instead of using a poll that limits what typing one does, I think it would be better to just leave it an open question and answer so a wider variance is allowed, in the form of what kind of typing and how much typing is dedicated to that particular session with the typewriter, or sessions in plural. For me, counting letters to my girlfriend, a personal journal, and testing out new and freshly shopped machines, I could say I am an 8 or 9-pager a week fellow. Though when I was in High School and College, it was about twice that what with assignments and research papers, done both for myself and for others when I wanted to pick up a few bucks.
I type my blog article at least once per week, and also a letter to a relative every week. Then I do personal journal or open-ended brainstorming typing sessions whenever I feel inspired.
I've been writing a book on my laptop for almost seven years. Now that I've got a working typewriter I've started writing drafts on it and find it much easier to compose on it than on the laptop. I type two pages and then retype/edit them in Word. I can see finishing my book like this, and at a much faster pace!
SquireDante wrote:
I type two pages and then retype/edit them in Word.
It's just a suggestion, but for a modest amount of money you could always just scan your typed pages instead and let OCR software convert them into Word files for you. That's the method I use, although I edit and create subsequent drafts on the typewriter too, and only scan my typed pages and use Word when I'm at the final edit stage.
I type poetry on mine, sometimes scripts for podcast, the odd short stories. I also type final notes to University students on their scripts. Several pages a week. I really enjoy it.
I don't mind retyping the pages since I'm fairly fast. And I use abbreviations throughout, so I'd end up having to type some of it again anyway.
I'm writing my stories on them. I have also done journaling on them as well.
The book I am trying to write is progressing very slowly. I also managed to write a letter to my sister (in the UK) last week.
I sometimes manage to type one page a day but that is maximum; my usual quota is about four pages a week.
My typing is improving though and is looking better than when I first started out. All praise to these forums for keeping me motivated