Hi, I am hoping to get some help here. I bought the typewriter as is. There is a knob on the right side that should raise the key bar for typing. It moves but does not seem to be connected to anything. When I manually raise the bar, the typewriter works fine.
I took off the top but did not see anything helpful. From the bottom, when I manually move the type bar, I see a rod turn but I am wondering if something broke off? Or maybe I need to take it apart further?
Although Remington made a variety of different models, from your description I'm guessing that you have a 1920's Remington Portable Mark One. This is a glossy black machine which has a knob on the right hand side that operates in an arcuate slot. Moving the knob should make the typebar rest raise up, ready for the machine to be used. I wouldn't take anything further apart until you know a bit more about typewriters. I have seen a similar machine wrecked by someone who tried this. Almost certainly a linkeage has become disconnected. It should just be a case of moving the lever and manually raising and lowering the typebar rest to educate yourself as to how the mechanism works, then find where it is disconnected. If you get stuck, try to take some clear close-up photos and post them on here so that we can help you.
Thanks for the reply. Upon further inspection I see that there is a set screw missing. I was hoping someone who has fixed something like this before could answer
1 is it possible to replace the screw without disassembling
2 is there such thing as a repair manual out there?
Yes I do believe it is a mark one
I have a photo...I need to learn how to include it
To answer your questions : 1. I do not know where the missing screw is, but assuming that you have a replacement - very likely you can find a way of fitting it without too much dismantling. 2. Most unlikely. There are a few workshop manuals around on the internet that kind people have scanned and made available, but they are largely for standard machines, and younger than yours. Your machine would be from the 1920's.