I found my older brother's Hermes 3000 in family storage and decided it would be perfect for a flash poetry event I am helping to organize. But I discovered that the ribbon doesn't move up to meet the type as the keys are pushed. I am hoping this is an easy fix, but probably not? Any ideas?
Oh, and according to the serial number it is from 1965
Before you bum out, make sure that the typewriter isn't set to Stencil (should be between the Black and Red ribbon settings). If it is set on stencil, then the ribbon will not move up to the typing position. Hopefully that's the problem.
OMG that is fantastic!!! That was the problem....see what I mean about being clueless?! Thank you so much.
I'm still reeling about you having a Hermes 3000 in storage -- lucky you! Glad it was a simple fix.
Yes, who knew they were such a sought after item?? They seem to have quite a following...and I have to say, it is aesthetically very pleasing! And fun to type on after years of computer keyboards. I believe my mom has a 75 year old Underwood squirreled away somewhere. By the time I needed a typewriter for college I asked for an electric Smith-Corona...gag! Totally soul-less and long gone now...without any tears on my part.