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15-6-2016 15:28:59  #1

Return lever spring - Klein-Urania 1936

Help needed.
Was just about to begin the dismantling and cleaning of an old Urania typewriter and this happened:
As I unscrewed the return lever, the spring that works the joint flew out... I found it on the floor (after a good 30 minutes and of course right underneath my chair...) but because it flew out before I had the change to memorize how it  was installed, I know sit with this spring and a couple of wasted hours of hopeless tries to squeeze it back into position. 
Has anyone got a picture of the spring in its place under the lever without a history of violence by a stupid dane?
Or helpful intel, Urania experience or otherwise?


15-6-2016 16:43:02  #2

Re: Return lever spring - Klein-Urania 1936

The line space lever is on the right side of the carriage on that model, isn't it?

The pronoun has always been capitalized in the English language for more than 700 years.

16-6-2016 03:46:31  #3

Re: Return lever spring - Klein-Urania 1936

It most certainly is. And it should swing back to its original position after a line change but now it just stays because the spring doesn't swing it back. I can't seem to figure out how the spring should be placed again and its a real strain to try and force it back in.

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16-6-2016 03:47:38  #4

Re: Return lever spring - Klein-Urania 1936

And I don't like using muscle on a typewriter. Shouldn't be necessary.

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