Okay, post # 2 -- I think I am beating my head on a wall, but here goes anyway. I have a Sears Forecast 12, and this machine used to have a four color ribbon. The left half was black - red, and the right half was blue - green. I can post the change out instructions from the owners manual IF I have to. Basically it was two ribbons fused / sewn together with a piece in the middle.
Just for you to know the Forecast is pica, and my other machine, the SC Classic 12 is Elite.
NOW I do have single colored ribbons of black - red, blue, green, and purple, as single colors, but I guess I am looking for something nostalgic. The original 4 color ribbon. The last time I bought one was back in the early 90's and I haven't seen one since.
The other solution would be this - SINCE they can make a black - red ribbon, why not make a blue - green ribbon as a stand alone full ribbon? It is just changing colors which is a pain. If I am working on something and am working in one color, I an emphasize something by going to the other one on the ribbon, like using black and highlighting in red. The same for blue, and highlight in green, or just type in green using the bottom of the ribbon.
YA, well, looking for the impossible. Yes I have called both Swartz and FJA and neither one ever heard of such a thing! So maybe somebody in here knows where I can find this little gem of a ribbon.
Thanks in advance for your time spend on this, and reading my post.
The Aerojet
Well, the half colors of ribbon is easy to do, just sew two together. However, the blue green ribbon is going to be... difficult to find.
Theres a possibility that one of the sellers of green and blue ribbon (Easy and eBay?) will pass the note onto their manufacturer, and could make it. Other than that, you would have to make it yourself. You could buy blue ribbon and green, and cut them down the middle, and sew them together.
I honestly have never even thought of something like a ribbon like that. I wonder if it was like a custom/test batch?
Oh, forgot to say. If you have the original ribbon, you can try and reink that.
Actually, I think they were made by Smith themselves, in talking with the two ribbon makers. The original and two spares went south ages ago, and I foolishly never kept them, thinking that the local office supply where I had been buying them was just "out" and would have them back shortly, so I bought black - red, and hoped for the best, and tossed the black - red / blue - green in the trash. AND people wonder to this day why I save all kinds of junk?
TypewriterGuy wrote:
Well, the half colors of ribbon is easy to do, just sew two together...
Seriously? You classify the sewing of two ribbons together as something that's easily done?