I just became an owner of a Remington Model 7 Noiseless typewriter; its in beautiful condition, and everything appears to work great. However, when I tried to type my first letter, I encountered an odd problem. No matter how many times I adjusted the paper, the text would slowly drift up the page as I typed a line; producing a paragraph that angled up across the page, instead of a nice, neat block.
Another aspect of this is that it does not consistently happen. At one point, I typed an entire paragraph that was perfectly straight, but as soon as I started typing the next one, the text started to drift up.
I’m brand new to typewriting, so I’m not sure if something needs to be adjusted on the machine, or if I’m just doing something wrong. I’d be very grateful for any advice or suggestions.
Please let me know if you require any additional information, and thank you for your time.
I very much doubt that you are doing something wrong. There are two possibilities as to why this is happening. The first is that the paper isn't being gripped properly between the platen (large rubber roller) and the small feed rolls underneath it. This would be wear or maybe the feedrolls could benefit from a clean. The other possibility is the the linespace mechanism (that rolls the paper up a line at a time) is out of adjustment. Welcome to the forum !
I have this happening to one of my portables. Its most likely the line spacing, as above said.
Sounds like a feed roller issue to me. I would remove the platen and examine all the feed rollers. They could be slightly flattened, not turning freely, or require cleaning. At the same time you should also check the paper feed frame for any rust or dirt that might prevent the paper from moving freely across it.
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. If it is a feed roller issue, any idea how much it would cost to have that part repaired or replaced?
I just happen to have an Underwood Noiseless typewriter doing the same thing!! I gotta fix it too. Tell ya what--after I fix mine, I'll tell you how I did it step by step. I'll bet it doesn't cost too much to do. I don't exactly remember just how to remove the platen, but I'm sure I can figure it out pretty fast, and once I do, I'll bet the identical problem with both machines is flat spots on the rollers. I plan to sand the flat spots down a bit, and get some heat shrink tubing and try that to see how it works. I'll let you know how I come out. All in all, if you can do this yourself, you'll save a ton of money.
Haha great! Interestingly enough, I just found that two small pieces of scotch tape (taping the paper to the platen, essentially) fixes the problem completely.
You know, you could probably wrap the tape around those rollers if you could reach them and probably temporarily fix the problem. But I'm curious: I know that taping the paper to the platen will get the paper through and keep it straight, but do you get any ruboff from the rollers that are still sliding on the platen?
These are some solutions that I've heard works decent:
1) wrapping the rollers with black electrical tape.
2) replace with black Sugru
3) sanding the corners
4) and of course new tubing
Also, I've gotten into the habit of activating the paper release whenever I'm done using the typewriter.
igotztowrite wrote:
These are some solutions that I've heard works decent:
1) wrapping the rollers with black electrical tape.
2) replace with black Sugru
3) sanding the corners
4) and of course new tubing
Also, I've gotten into the habit of activating the paper release whenever I'm done using the typewriter.
That last one is a smart move--especially if you're storing a typewriter up for a long time.