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24-7-2016 19:46:14  #11

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

I'll have to take another look on one of my own machines, and I will have a better idea.  It's been a little while, but what I find I will pass along.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

24-7-2016 20:18:19  #12

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

Great, thanks.

     Thread Starter

24-7-2016 21:43:02  #13

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

OK, I see what you're talking about. There is an adjusting screw with locknut that's apparently the top end of the bolt onto which the castle nut is threaded. Turning the castle nut clockwise acts to start backing out the locknut up at the top of the bolt. Obviously that locknut needs to be tightened down enough such that it won't back out when I'm turning the castle nut down below. Maybe some sort of Loctite adhesive is also called for to prevent it backing out -- though there must be some reason why the bolt has a slotted adjustment and locknut in the first place.

The locknut looks pretty small (though I think I have a driver that should fit), but the problem is that the locknut is not accessible -- somehow I would have to remove the disc on which the ribbon spool sits in order to be able to get a purchase on the locknut. I see no way how to remove that disc, at least nothing looks obvious.

     Thread Starter

24-7-2016 23:51:13  #14

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

I'm thinking that the ribbon disc has a notch on one end of it so you can reach through it.  I remember now.  There is a notch on one side on the edges of those things, and I think you can get to several things through that notch.  I have a feeling that locknut may be one of those things.  I remember the Touch-Master II didn't have the wide discs below--they just had a little tiny lip that would still support the ribbon spool.  But the Fives brought back the wide disc--but the tops are plastic.  Anyway, you should get through that notch okay.  Let me know how you come out.  Yep--'nother rabbit hole.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

25-7-2016 06:45:39  #15

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

I will check -- I do know that the disc is metal, not plastic, on mine.

The locknuts/jamnuts wouldn't be the way to adjust the vertical alignment of upper and lower case characters, would it? And the castle nuts adjust horizontal alignment?

     Thread Starter

10-10-2016 13:06:51  #16

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

OK, same machine but a different, but maybe related, problem, which I only noticed just now. The characters closest to the lefthand margin (wherever the margin is set) hang slightly lower than the rest of the line, not much but enough to give a "drooping" effect. The upper and lower case letters are aligned, some I'm a little reluctant to start messing with that adjustment again!

     Thread Starter

12-10-2016 19:22:54  #17

Re: Shifted and Nonshifted Characters Not Aligned

I'll take a look inside my Touch-Masters and see what the lay of the land is there.  It's been so long since I've adjusted one there, but I will bet that if you turn the ribbon spool spindles the right way, you can access those slotted nuts.  The spindles have a notch cut into them, but I'm thinking you'll have to have a small socket, or nut driver to get in there.  I'll see and report back.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

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