Yes I know the title is a mouthful, but I'd figured it was better that "thing that keeps escapement working." Anyways, the little tab spring that keeps the pinion pawl from moving to the left as the carriage moves and allows it to move to the right has snapped off after I tried to bend it back into place.
You can see it's missing on the star wheel. I still have it, but there's no way I'm reattaching it. However, the typewriter still works because it has two pinion pawls on the escapement. I've secured the useless pawl down with some thread so it doesn't just flop around in there, but it doesn't provide any support. I know that the later Underwoods only had one pawl, as did most typewriters. Would I be posing any risk to the other pawl if I let it do all of the work? There's a spare escapement star wheel online that has the same number of teeth that I could replace on this Underwood. But I don't want to do it if it's unnecessary. Anyways, that was a lot to say, and I hope that it will e resolved.
Offhand, I would say you are okay. At least beginning with the Rhythm touch of 1946 to the last days of the Touch-Master series, Underwood used only one pawl, and it employed a wire-type spring as opposed to a leaf-type. You should be okay. If that one finally gives way, and I only see a very slim chance of that, you may need to hold onto that one you have, or find a fine piece of spring steel and try to clean out the slot it goes into. I'm not sure how you could put it in, but you could try soldering or brazing it in there if worse comes to worst. But right now, I think you'll be all right.
Hmm... Maybe if I get around to it, I might just make another spring like what's on the Royals (I think). It'll attach to one of the holes in the star wheel. But it'd have to be thin and tough wire. But it's an idea.