Hi guys,
I have a problem with my Olympia SM4.
The line spacer is a bit 'off'. 9 times out of 10 it gives the next line (2 clicks) as it should, but 1 out of 10, it only gives the next 'half' line (1 click). If I move the platen back one click with the knob and re-do the carriage return, it still gives me half a line (1 click) instead of the 2 clicks for the next line.
The gear on the platen which is being moved by the line spacing mechanism seems to be fine and doesn't have any obvious damage (no missing teeth).
Any clues on why this might be happening?
Could the platen be installed incorrectly? - I did take it out once to give a good clean, but I'm fairly certain I put it back in correctly.
If needed I can take some pictures of the platen and gear, but like I said it doesn't show much damage, so not sure how helpful that can be.
An update:
I've looked into this a little more, and I think the problem really is the platen and how I've re-inserted it into the machine. Right now it looks like this:
As you can see, there is a small strip of metal between the gear and the rubber itself. I don't think it should be there, and it should be a tight fit. You can't tell on the picture, but when you turn the platen, you see that the gear is pivoted slightly.
When I look at the gear that goes into the platen, I don't see any other way of putting it together that makes sense, but it won't stay stuck inside the platen, but keeps getting pushed out.
What it looks like:
How I think the individual pieces fit together:
And how it looks before I put the platen into the machine (notice how the gear is being pushed out, rather than staying close to the platen, there is a little room in which you can push the gear back inside):
Pushed in:
and without pushing:
Any idea on how you can force this gear to stay inside the platen? I believe the reason it can be pushed out is to allow you to freely adjust the platen position, without using the lever to switch off line spacer.
Looks like what you have is an irregularity in the variable line spacer alignment. I've been studying the pictures, but I got to tell you: I've never run into this problem on an SM4 because even though I've tried them out, I've never repaired one. Though, if I had a machine here, I would eventually figure it out. That's how I've learned how to fix 'em--studying how they work. Most of my experience has been on American typewriters and a few foreign ones. I have worked on Olympia SGs and even a couple of SGEs, but the portable, popular as they are, I haven't seen too many, let alone too many that needed servicing. They seem to be a very reliable typewriter. About the only thing I can recommend is to keep working with it until everything goes back in properly. Part of typewriter repair is just plain ol' trial and error. Ya gotta have patience with these critters. Sorry I couldn't offer more than this.
I've had a look at all of my SM2s to SM4s and all show the same space of metal core between the toothed wheel and the rubber - though it varies a little; from about 1.5mm to 2.5mm. What IS different, however, is that all of mine show no gap whatever between the left face of the toothed wheel and the actual notched end of the line-space lever itself. Your picture does show a slight gap there, I believe.
I think that your toothed wheel needs to be turned on its own centre until it seats better with the parts to its left - which means that the entire platen needs to be turned; I think this is the critical point when reinserting the platen: turn it until this gap disappears and the parts are as snug as they can be. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your advice, Beak.
And thank you for your encouragement, TypewriterKing.
So I just tinkered with it again, and got the linespacing back to work.
Your advice, Beak, to try and get it to fit as snug as can be, proved to be correct.
I was trying to fit everything back, when in a flash it came to me that when I took the platen out for the first time some time ago, I had a little metal ring that was between the platen and machine on the right side. It was a tricky thing to get in again, so, thinking I didn't need it, I kept it out.
When I was thinking about how to get it snug, I remembered the ring, and put it back in. Because of that, it is now as snug as can be, and the line spacer is working beautifully again.
Lesson to myself, never think parts (even something as small as a metal ring) can be redundant!..
Everything is in there for a reason.
Thanks for your help.
Case closed.