Greetings All
A short while ago, my local thrift store owner gave me a Smith-Corona Cornet Cartridge 12 electric typewriter S/N 6ELW-1020968H. The machine came loaded with a black film ribbon cartridge which caught my attention as I thought they only had the black nylon cartridges. After some online research, I discovered that film ribbons were available in black, blue, green, brown and red.
So far I have managed to acquire red, green and brown film cartridges for this unit in addition to the black it came with. All I need to do now is to track down a blue film cartridge and I'll have the full set. Interestingly the black is lift correction off but the other colors have to be covered up with correction tape. It's kind of neat to be able to change type colors for each paragraph on a page. Not what one would want for any sort of formal work, but great for typing to my niece in England.
All the best,
I've also seen fabric nylon ribbons in some cartridges. I've worked with many of these typewriters, and they are really nice. And, yes, you can get many colors on these things. It's a really neat system loading and unloading ribbons, including lift-off-and re-write correction cassettes. It reminds me of loading and unloading gun magazines.