I'll admit that I have a boring typewriter collection. For typing on the wild side, I have many machines with a QWERTZ keyboard, but the majority are run-of-the-mill QWERTY typers. Some of you have some really unusual typefaces and keyboards in your collection, so let's hear about them. Even better, let's see a few photos of them.
To start off, I came across this Ukrainian typewriter for sale today in Toronto. I assumed that it was brought into the country by an immigrant, but the machine has a dealer sticker on it that looks to be as old as the machine. Very strange. Did a local typewriter shop actually import these things, or since Smith-Corona typers were also manufactured in Canada, could it have been a special request unit for the factory?
Smith-Corona Super Sterling with Ukrainian slugs:
Speaking of Ukranian typewriters, I have a nice portable Ukranian 'Conqueror' model. The construction is very similar to a British Oliver that I also have, and the cases for these are interchangeable, so I'm assuming it would be the same British (Croydon) manufacturer.