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23-10-2016 18:35:21  #1

The Holidays

Of late, I've been discovering fewer and fewer messages on this forum, and I've been wondering:  Have the members here lost interest, or is the typewriter market slowly drying up?  I know that as time goes by, typewriters are getting rare and a bit harder to be had.  Surely, the 80's were a real glut for me--oh, Glory Days.  I also thought it was perhaps I might have made too much of a presence hereabouts. For better or worse, I've replied to almost everything new I could find--barring very few exceptions.  I know my big-mouthed fingers perhaps as well as anyone could.  But no.  I think that what this is, is a phenomenon known as "The Holidays."  Yes, that's it!!  The wondrous, "joyous" time of being invited to parties, hosting parties, giving gifts, receiving gifts, and feeding those otherwise parsimonious relatives whose bottomless stomachs always have room for one more free morsel.  Ah yes (grumble grumble), The Holidays, where Cousin Junior entertains all by showing them the insides of his eyelids folded out.  This doesn't even go into the bottles of wine, pints of ale (beer, if you're from Texas or nearabouts), or anything strong enough to let you forget about The Holidays--where it is almost always an enigma trying to figure out what it is that "Toolbox Terry" doesn't have in his collection--yet.  Word of Advice:  GIFT CARDS.  No muss, no fuss, relatively cheap, and you won't catch them at WalMart trying to get cash back.  So, occasionally, I'll patrol the Forum, seeing if I can find anyone who is still lurking around--only two times daily instead of my usual five or six--and see if I can help anyone fix that gift of a typewriter that has that one trouble they are trying to figure out and get it to working so they can type a thank-you letter to the one who sent it to them.  But, for those otherwise occupied, Happy Holidays (Happy ThanksGiving, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year).  And to all who didn't have a chance to read this stuff and are coming back stuffed and a little hung over, Hope it was a Happy-'un, a Merry-'un, and a Happy-'un.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness

24-10-2016 08:51:06  #2

Re: The Holidays

I don't think folks have lost interest, or that the market is drying up. Just a bit of a lull -- pesky things like work, family and other commitments do crop up from time to time!

And if you're looking for stuff to respond to, I promise to keep posting questions on the maintenance and repair forum for your input!


24-10-2016 09:50:45  #3

Re: The Holidays

I wish I had holidays! For me it´s the exact opposite: too much work. Apart from doing nothing at all (a very healthy habit from time to time), how I miss spending a good long morning tinkering with a typewriter. Now I have too many of them queueing for repairs and maintenance, and many more ready to do some typing.

And lately it seems that I´m documenting myself to write a book titled "How my Typewriter Got Annihinlated during Transport Thanks to an *@#% Who did not Pack It Well". Three on a row. An Olivetti Lettera 35, an Olympia Monica Electric de Luxe and a Facit 1730. Three! I demand justice!!!


(Olivetti Linea 98)

25-10-2016 14:56:06  #4

Re: The Holidays

Sorry to hear that Javi.  I lost a Royal Arrow to that when I first started.  At least I took it to the local typewriter repair shop so they could use it for parts if they had to.

Smith Premier typewriters are cool!

26-10-2016 17:37:07  #5

Re: The Holidays

Fleetwing wrote:

I don't think folks have lost interest, or that the market is drying up. Just a bit of a lull -- pesky things like work, family and other commitments do crop up from time to time!

And if you're looking for stuff to respond to, I promise to keep posting questions on the maintenance and repair forum for your input!

I think you're right there too.  I know these lulls are caused by different purposes.  I tend to forget sometimes--even though I fall victim of it many times myself--that we're all busier than a troupe of one-armed paper hangers.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness
     Thread Starter

26-10-2016 17:37:43  #6

Re: The Holidays

TypewriterKing wrote:

Fleetwing wrote:

I don't think folks have lost interest, or that the market is drying up. Just a bit of a lull -- pesky things like work, family and other commitments do crop up from time to time!

And if you're looking for stuff to respond to, I promise to keep posting questions on the maintenance and repair forum for your input!

I think you're right there too.  I know these lulls are caused by different purposes.  I tend to forget sometimes--even though I fall victim of it many times myself--that we're all busier than a troupe of one-armed paper hangers.

Oh, and thank you for thinking of me.  I always appreciate it when someone needs me.

Underwood--Speeds the World's Bidness
     Thread Starter

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