This is the Royal 10 I will be working on during my precious almost non existent free time. Some issues it has are knobs and tabs.
First the easy to describe problem. The plastic in the knobs has deteriorated. I was thinking of fabricating these myself rather that buying replacements. Has any successfully fabricated old knobs? I mean without the need for 3D printing.
Next the tab issue. It is apparent that something is out of alignment. Then I press the tab key the mechanism moves forward far enough to allow the carriage to move but not far enough to engage the tab stop. At the same time the part that supports the whole tab mechanism on the back rail contacts the part that disengages the carriage when the tab key is pressed. Has anyone had this problem and what did you adjust to fix it?
I'm gonna have to study on this one. I have not seen too many Royals this early with a long carriage, but from what I see and a wild guess on my part, there should be an adjustment is needed or just something bent out of the way. Possibly this machine, old as it is, has probably been improperly stored with heavy objects placed on top of it. I hope this helps. I'll get back with more when I can study this more in depth with one or more of my own Royals.