I just got a 1962 Futura 800 that looks OK (some paint bubbling on the shell) but types well. However, the ribbon vibrator does not do a good job of holding the ribbon in place. At some point in production, Royal changed the vibrator design to make ribbon replacement easier, by enabling the user to pinch the two inner posts together so there's no need to thread the ribbon around the posts. Once the ribbon is installed, you swing the inner posts back to vertical, and that's supposed to capture the ribbon. (Later QDLs seem to have this design also.) The problem is that these inner posts do not stay vertical very well -- they are prone to rotating back inward, so the ribbon rides up on the guides and doesn't drop back down, so the typing point is blocked from view.
At bottom it seems like the best fix is to ensure the pivot point for the inner posts is relatively tight, so they don't rotate, but I don't think that can be corrected once they do become a little loose. Has anyone else encountered this? How to correct it? I've tried carefully forming the posts, both inner and outer, but that makes no difference.
It could be very dirty and gummy, and not able to close all the way--I've seen this condition more often than not. You might need to just clean it out a bit. If not, see where the springs are--you may need to re-tension them.
Thanks -- no springs whatsoever that I can see.I think the design depends on the pivots being not too loose. If I push the posts back past vertical (toward the outer posts) that seems to keep them in place better -- but it also seems to cause too much friction for the ribbon so it binds.
Fleetwing wrote:
Thanks -- no springs whatsoever that I can see.I think the design depends on the pivots being not too loose.
Set the vibrator to the red position and manually jam to typebars together near the type point so the vibrator stays in the raised position. If you look at the bottom of each pivoting arm you should see the end of a spring. If you don't you should at least see a small hole where the spring hook connects. If the spring is missing that's the root of your problem; the spring keeps those pivoting arms vertical - closed on its stationary arm. In fact, if you load a ribbon and don't close the arm, just using the vibrator will cause them to automatically snap shut.
Thanks very much, I'll take a look -- though I don't recall seeing any such holes. (And if there were supposed to be springs keeping the pivoting arms vertical, they wouldn't stay pinched together when threading the ribbon, which is what I thought was the whole idea.)
They do stay open even though they are spring-loaded because there is a detent that holds them open. That's why I mentioned that if you leave them open and then press a key, the vibrator motion will automatically snap them shut. Keep in mind that this is a torsion spring and not a tension spring, which maybe is what you were looking for.
This is the system used on every one of the five or six Futura 800s that I own, which cover the production run of the model. If you have something different, please post photos because I'd be very curious to see what else was used.
Thanks, Uwe, but nope, there are no springs of any sort, and not apparent detents either. I compared the mechanism with that of my Remington Fleetwing, which has a pronounced detent (no springs I can see, either) and which works fine.
I have not figured out (though I have tried) how to post pictures here, so I'll have to shoot you an email so you can see the setup on mine.
I would be interested to see what the system on you Futuras looks like; mine dates from 1962, late in the production run. I can tell you that it appears the ribbon guide system for the vibrator was changed along the way, judging from a reproduction of the Futura 800 manual on Richard Polt's site.
Detailed instructions for posting photos can be found in the FAQ thread within the Type Talk sub-forum.
I took a look at the photos you emailed me, and you have the exact same vibrator as the one I was describing. Unfortunately the angle of your photos didn't show the area of the vibrator that the spring connects to, so I can't see if it's there or not. However, if those two movable gates are flopping around on their own it's probably safe to assume that your spring is either broken or missing. In my previous post I mentioned a hole, which was a little misleading - sorry. It's more of a hook than a hole that the spring connects to the gate arm through. I also should have mentioned that you can see more of the vibrator if you use the shift key while the typebars are jammed and the colour selector is in the red position.
I'll take another look, with vibrator assy. fully extended, and shoot additional photos your way showing more of the assembly. I do see hooks at the very bottom of the moveable gates -- I gather those are what the spring would attach to? (And where is the spring supposed to be anchored?) I see no evidence of the spring anywhere. If you can post (or send me directly) a picture of what the vibrator assembly should look like, that would be great. Much obliged.
The spring is mounted in the middle of the vibrator at the very bottom (I'll see what I can do about a photo later on). If it was there you would see a fine wire inside each of those two hooks (one per movable gate).