I saw the second set of photos that you emailed me, and yes, the spring is definitely missing. You might want to entertain the idea of permanently positioning the two movable gates, which wouldn't be the end of the world as it would only mean replacing the ribbon would be slightly more awkward. I suspect very few typewriter owners actually go through a new replacement ribbon these days given how long they last, and even then it would be a very infrequent chore.
Thank you for this thread!
I bought a 1962 Futura 800 for a whole $12 (impulse buy!) last week, got it home, and was having the exact same problem as the OP. Had a good look, and no spring. Is it possible to get replacement springs? I guess I could loop a bit of thread around the bottom of the gates and tie them together!!
Frustratingly, I bought it from a flea market and the vendor had put the price label right over a massive scrape in the paintwork where the carriage return lever has been dragged across the top, due to not being in the raised position when in use. Most dishonest!
Coincidental you wrote -- I picked up a Royal Safari the other day for dirt (and it was dirty!) cheap, again featuring the missing spring. Makes me wonder why these seem to go missing. I'd love to see a picture of what the missing spring looks like and see if I can find a replacement -- I reckon a coiled expansion spring would not fit. (Your thread idea is interesting; or maybe some of that thin green-colored wire used by florists.)
Fleetwing wrote:
Coincidental you wrote -- I picked up a Royal Safari the other day for dirt (and it was dirty!) cheap, again featuring the missing spring. Makes me wonder why these seem to go missing. I'd love to see a picture of what the missing spring looks like and see if I can find a replacement -- I reckon a coiled expansion spring would not fit. (Your thread idea is interesting; or maybe some of that thin green-colored wire used by florists.)
Yes, a picture would be very useful, as then we might be able to repurpose some other spring, maybe one from a retractable pen? I have a whole draw of unloved ballpoints... Otherwise, I was thinking maybe a small elastic band, or something like linen bookbinding thread, which is quite robust.
One of the reasons I bought this typewriter was that the type basket looked really clean, especially compared to some of my others. I'm not confident in typewriter maintenance yet, so getting a clean machine is a bonus. Just a pity about the outside.
If it is the same as the ones from the late 50's Quiet De Luxes, then it is not a coiled spring. I believe it is a wire form spring. It has a very specific shape.
Right, Uwe said in the thread above that it's a torsion spring. I'd love to see a picture of one. But I think Teipiadur may be onto something in terms of a workaround.
From the 1960 Ames Parts Catalog:
Thanks! Hard to tell how it attaches.
I tried something that's a partway fix. I found that as I was typing on the Black ribbon setting (forget trying to use the Red; the ribbon just starts coming out), random letters would not type at all. I realized that the left-side pivoting piece of the ribbon guide would rotate inward enough so that it would block the ribbon from contacting the paper. So I hooked the ends of the pivoting pieces on each side behind the stationary guide -- this blocks the pivoting piece from rotating inward and interfering with the typing. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem of the missing spring entirely, since on the Red setting the ribbon still will pop out. But for now, I'll take it. I'm still pondering whether a small elastic band could be used in lieu of the missing spring, but if anyone has a spare one of these springs, such as shown in #17 above, let me know!
Adding a photo to this old case new members are chasing down the missing spring problem.
1 of my 2 Futura 800's came to me with a improvised coil spring to act like the missing factory spring. I have painted it in on the attached photo.
This coil spring was working but it was not strong enough.
I found an complete vibrator (and its spring) on eBay and that is what is on my machine, now.