Excellent - thank you both for your replies. Its the first time I have tackled a typewriter strip down and clean like this but I did take step by step photos as I went along so I'm hoping most of it is in the right place! :-0
I have worked out the space bar. There is a curved rod at the end of the mechanism that pokes into the inside of the machine and if set in the right position it will locate into a groove on another lever (not fixed but just lines up). So when you press the space bar it should push this lever over. In my case it is too stiff to move. This must be part of the mechanism that must move when typing. Here are a couple of photos to show you the part.
Silly me - you can see the space bar mechanism much better from the back. Here are photos showing whats wrong. Basically the silver levers that locate into the teeth of the ribbon advance wheel should move when I press the space bar but do not because the thing the space bar rod pushes is jammed some how.
Some photos on how it should line up would be great to see if I have something in the wrong place that's jamming things up :-)
Fascinating. Your photos are like a course in typewriter mechanism.
***conjecture alert conjecture alert conjecture alert***
Now that you've done the hard work I recognize the silver bits though I've never seen them before on an Underwood 5. When I've seen them the gear has shrunk and moved to just underneath the ribbon spools and been duplicated under each spool, though there may only be one set here if the crank rod moves back and forth to selectively engage other gears to reverse the ribbon. If I recall correctly one of the silver arms pushes the gear forward and the other holds what its got. (I was wrong about carriage movement, ultimately the mainspring, driving ribbon movement. I forgot about the other power source available -- the "finger".
Seems like you are well on the way to fixing the ribbon advance problem, once you figure out why the rod mounting the silver bits is jammed or not rotated by the space bar (and presumably the letter keys). Might it be too much to hope that when this bar is rotating again and doing its thing that some other attached linkage will make its way to the escapement and advance the carriage? But what is the role of that large double rod part? I can't wait for the next episode.
(Can't find that pesky Underwood just now -- seems I have been a little too clever in hiding typewriters out of sight. )
Thanks Repartee - its amazing though that it doesn't matter how many photos you take during a strip down there's always something that you really need later but isn't in shot!
Good to know the silver bit is the 'fingers'. The direction of the ribbon spools can indeed be reversed by pushing the wheel in and out. So like you say there's just one set of fingers on this model. So far I've not been able to get the parts moving when I press the space - even when I try to force it (gently) with a screw driver in place of the space bar rod. I'll wait to see if anyone has any more ideas before I start to strip it down again to access the parts.
BTW: I'm calling this a No3 but I'm not 100% sure. I'm comparing to others I've seen on line. Is it a 3?
indigo.girl wrote:
BTW: I'm calling this a No3 but I'm not 100% sure. I'm comparing to others I've seen on line. Is it a 3?
Yes, it appears to be a very late No. 3, from 1931. In addition to the serial number, the ribbon selector switch (bichrome ribbon shift) style, is the style that would carry over into the 6, and was found on the 3's in the last couple years of production.
Here are some pictures of the bottom, and a close-up from the back of the spot where the space bar meets the trip mechanism on my late 20's Underwood 3. Maybe they will help:
Okay, gotta look at the bottom of my 1917 Underwood typewriter, and the part you've got out was the one that locks the type bar linkages when the carriage gets to the right hand margin stop. It won't really affect the performance of the typewriter--just be careful about where the carriage is in relation to the right margin. As for the space bar linkage, I'm guessing that yours isn't adjusted up far enough. What that thing at the bottom is is a pusher for the mechanism up top, and there is no screwed-on linkage in between--it pushes the rack frame/escapement wheel mechanism up top of it, and it needs to contact this mechanism at its bottom. Just unscrew the bolt and push it up until it contacts the rack frame/escapement mechanism.
Now, back to your margin keylock. If you want to re-install it, be sure you look at the way it goes in. the way it secures at the bottom is this: first, you put the fat end with the nut on it on the right side and push it in as far as it will go. Then you take the skinny end on the left hand side and push it in its little hole. Take the nut and tighten it up to where the fat end hole is, and it will secure it there. Make sure you don't snug it up to that surface too tight, and that the bolt in the middle has room to swivel forward and backward. I hope this helps--let me know how you come out.
indigo.girl wrote:
So far I've not been able to get the parts moving when I press the space - even when I try to force it (gently) with a screw driver in place of the space bar rod. I'll wait to see if anyone has any more ideas before I start to strip it down again to access the parts.
What I would do -- not saying I recommend you do this just what I in my amateur imagining would do -- is try to determine if the rod mounting the fingers is itself seized or the blockage lies elsewhere, perhaps feeling for play as I grasped the finger assembly. If it's elsewhere I would search for additional linkages coming off the rod and it does seem a fair chance there is one leading to the escapement, since keystrokes have already been converted into rotation of this rod. Then (a shudder arises among experienced hands) I would squirt down the escapement area from a wash bottle filled with mineral spirits and a few drops of sewing machine oil and try some gentle tapping and jiggling.
Don't laugh -- it's worked for me more than once -- a little solvent and vibration can free many gently stuck mechanisms. The first and greatest law of troubleshooting is to try the simple things first and the second is to then give up.
A little progress. I followed your advice Repartee and sprayed with WD40 and gave it some jiggling. I have been able to get some movement and in fact can now manually get the fingers to walk along the ribbon wheel and for the Y-shaped thing to move up and down (sorry for the lack of names but its where the type heads go to when keys are pressed!). I have taken a video and you can see what I mean. I have disconnected the space bar and am mimicking the movement using a screw driver. Now when I press any key it all moves but it will not reset so the next key does nothing. Its as if I am missing some kind of spring to pull it back each time. Any ideas what part should pull the mechanism back each time in between key strokes.
Btw I love the way the fingers walk across the ribbon wheel - ingenious!