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12-2-2017 18:24:05  #1

SC Classic 12

You may know that I look for inexpensive typewriters to bring into my classroom for kids. I have a line on a cheap classic 12, but it's the brown version from the late 1970s with the plastic case.

I've only had experience with the 60s edition, and they are awesome. Did they cut corners in the end, or are these later machines still solid?


13-2-2017 00:30:32  #2

Re: SC Classic 12

I have a mint condition Galaxie 12 that is probably the best typewriter I own. Well, maybe I would be more accurate to say it is the nicest typewriter I own.
I also have one of those hot coco brown electric "12" models ( it reminds me more of caramel flavored cappuccino) that someone lobbed into a dumpster and left for dead.
It has a nasty scar below the space bar and part of the back platen cover is missing but, it still seems to work well.
They seem to be pretty tough machines and I think if you can provide one to your students at a modest cost to yourself they will likely be happy with it.
If I were setting up a learning opportunity for some young kids like this, I would want a variety of machines for them to experience, manual and electric.


13-2-2017 08:44:12  #3

Re: SC Classic 12

I think pdxtypewriter was asking about the later, late-70s machines specifically. Whether they would be robust enough for the classroom - a valid question, as my little Consul didn't last long in that environment! (It's still okay; I just need to give it a bit of help...)

Pdx, did you end up getting the machine? I'd be interested to hear.  And if so, how you found it. 


13-2-2017 08:47:36  #4

Re: SC Classic 12

Actually, I mixed my things up there - the Consul being from 1962 and a different kettle of fish. I've just been given, however, a mid-seventies plastic-bodied Adler Contessa which is built like a battleship, despite the plastic. It's beautiful, an insanely good typer, altogether glorious. (Must get a photo of that onto Recent Acquisitions at some point soon.)


13-2-2017 09:33:14  #5

Re: SC Classic 12

Yes, c.79. I did buy it, a moving sale off of Craig's List. It's in beautiful condition, and seems to be as hearty as the models from the 60s. The difference I can see is the "hood" of the machine pops off instead of being attached, like the older models.

I'll let you know how it does. I need to clean it up a bit and change the ribbon.

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