I love typewriters, that much is obvious, but even my borderline obsessive admiration for these machines falls short when compared to those who actually tattoo themselves with a typer:
To be honest, I've never understood the attraction of tats. Why would anyone want some image on them peremenantly. At least this shows far more imagination than most of those I have seen, which are banal and ugly.
Your gf, by any chance?
beak wrote:
Your gf, by any chance?
Turns out there are more people with typer-tats than I ever imagined. Most seem to have nondescript typers inked into their skin, and some very specific and detailed like these Underwood tattoos:
And then there are the truly awful ones, tattoos that look like they were done by someone who had never seen a typewriter before, or was completely stoned at the time, or both:
I wonder how much ribbin' this girl gets for her tattoo?
Some are nearly photo-perfect, where others look like a child's drawing.
I'm glad there is a resurgence of interest in typewriters, but this seems a little too trendy to me. They will be blurry reminders of their impetuous youth 50 years from now.