I went to type this lovely morning and my ribbon wasn't moving.There are two little metal pieces that are not grabbing the wheel where my ribbon sits On the right side of the machine. The ribbon vibrator was stuck in the up position earlier and when I would push it down it would pop right back up, but now after my husband was messing with it its stuck down and I have to manually lift it. Any help is so appreciated.
I've had problems with the vibrator sticking before and it would always right itself eventually.
Those metal pieces that you described are on both ribbon spools. If they are disengaged on one spool's drive gear then they should be engaged on the other. Check both spool gears and see if that's the case. The spool that has them engaged is the one that the ribbon should be spooling on to.
If the automatic reverse mechanism isn't working it's possible that the tension from the pulled ribbon can jam the vibrator in the up position. Did you try to manually reverse the ribbon and see if it moves in the opposite direction?
It wouldn't move in either direction
So at this point the vibrator doesn't move at all unless you mess with the ribbon color selector but not the actual switch the piece that moves down under the carriage. The bar at th bottom will move everything but somewhere on the right side it seems like something isn't moving but I can't tell what it is.
OK, really dumb question -- has one of the metal grommets on the ribbon snuck past its "gate"? This can happen, I find, and it jams the ribbon advance. (Sometimes the grommet gets wedged in and you don't spot it right away.)
Fleetwing wrote:
...has one of the metal grommets on the ribbon snuck past its "gate"? This can happen, I find, and it jams the ribbon advance.
It's pretty difficult to see the parts that she mentioned without first removing the ribbon spools, so it's unlikely that the ribbon has fouled on anything and is the cause of this issue. And even then, only earlier SM9 models used a 'gate' on the reverse actuating arm. If her typewriter is a later model then the ribbon is reversed solely by tension.
AccidentalScribe, I'm assuming that you know that the vibrator won't move if the ribbon colour selector is in the white (stencil) setting? At this point some photos would help given that I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to in your description. Also, if I understand you correctly, neither of the two spools currently have the "metal pieces" in contact with the big gear under the ribbon spool? If that's the case, then that's why the ribbon isn't moving. Have you tried cleaning all of the pivot points for those "metal pieces" with mineral spirits yet? I would start by cleaning them and all of their connected linkages in the ribbon transport system. Photos of all these parts would help to identify if something like a spring is missing or has become dislodged.
So after my husband fiddled with it this morning (thank God he's a machinist) he found that the tabulator switch isn't staying put. The switch with the plus and minus sign is slipping up while I'm typing. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything but it seems to be working fine new aside from the switch not staying put. I have no idea how to fix that. the metal tabs that pull the gear under the ribbon somehow got stuck together and werent engaging on the left side.
Thank you so much for everything and I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'm still a newbie.
Keep on typin'!
I had the same issue. The switch has two springs that keep it in place. If one spring has more tension, it will pull it one way or the other. I simply removed the spring that didn't have enough tension, cut it a few coils shorter, which made it stronger, and replaced it. Now my switch stays put. Hope that helps!