I tried to send an email to reply for a machine on craigslist. Should I see the reply in my inbox (or spam) as usual? I've never gotten anything through Craigslist.
Yes. If you replied by email through the reply button, the response will come though craigslist to your email address.
Thanks! I'm trying for a cheap Corona 3.
I've bought pretty much all my machines through Craigslist. Overall very satisfied -- though I only buy from sellers who aren't far away, so I can check the typewriter out in person. Often the biggest issue is getting the seller to respond to my note -- it's like they don't check their mail.
I had this issue today. I've got my eye on a craigslist SG-1 for a good price, but it's a kind of long drive. I want to know what the typeface is before I go all the way there.. The response I got back. "At this time I don't have more descriptive pictures." I'm assuming they aren't able to get to the machine easily. I don't know. But it's frustrating because I think the machine will clean up nicely and I so desperately want an SG-1.
At least it's better than the posts for: "typewriter $100 needs ink tape.: And there's no picture at all.
It's an SG1 -- is there a typeface or font size you wouldn't want? Chances are it will be one you can live with very happily.
Good point. Buy it's a 3 hour drive one way and I just don't want a surprise italic machine. I doubt that would be very common in an SG-1 but I don't really know that much about what typefaces were available.
Yeah, I've bought pretty much every machine I own through Craigslist, and the one annoying problem is when sellers don't reply to your e-mail requests--sometimes because they're not e-mail savvy, or they don't check their e-mail, or they prefer a phone call, or they've already sold it to someone else and forgot to take down the listing and they're just ignoring you. It's really hit or miss.
Craigslist is also very addicting: I find myself searching the Craigslist sites in cities where my relatives live, to see what kind of selection they have, and sometimes ask friends and family to pick up something for me. And when I do a transcontinental drive, I usually check-out the Craigslists of all the cities I'll be driving through... just in case.
And don't get me started with the "All of Craigslist" site...
BEWARE! You might disappear down this rabbit hole!
Markmotown wrote:
Craigslist is also very addicting: I find myself searching the Craigslist sites in cities where my relatives live, to see what kind of selection they have, and sometimes ask friends and family to pick up something for me. And when I do a transcontinental drive, I usually check-out the Craigslists of all the cities I'll be driving through... just in case.
Oh yes, that sounds very familiar!
To the original poster's question, I would say the odds are highly against a script typeface SG1, but it is a slight possibility.
WIWriter wrote:
... I don't really know that much about what typefaces were available.
The majority of them were fitted with a combination of pica #12 or #97, or elite #87. Earlier models could be found with Rodrian elite 7. However, there were myriad typeface and language choices for SG1 buyers, so almost anything is possible. Given it's a standard model that was more often than not used by businesses, when buying a SG1 it's safe to assume that it has either a standard pica or elite typeface. If the typeface pitch is a concern for you, you might be able to at least determine that from the photos if the paper/margin scale on the carriage is visible.
With respect to Craigslist, it seems to be dying out in my area. There are very few listings for typewriters because most sellers now use Kijiji (an eBay subsidiary) for free listings, which is a far better platform for buying and selling than Craigslist.