I have this Olivetti Lettera 32 and everything is working fine. The only problem is that while I type, the carriage tilts to the left when it is almost at the end. If I type, the carriage runs normally, but I can hear it scratch somewhere. It seems like the screws are loose, because if feels like the weight of the carriage makes it tilt a little when most of it is far away to the left. Any clue on what to do?
Thanks a lot!
I have a couple of 32's
when you say tilt, do you mean it doesn't remain level, i.e it tilts down, or back or diagonal?
Could the carriage lock on the right be scratching along the metal bar which it engages in?
I mean that when the carriage reachs near the end, when the most part of it is out to the left of the machine, then it tilts a little down to the left, out of the machine. It seems like the weight of the carriage is making that happen. Now, I may have found the source of the problem: I found a very tinny spring lost inside the machine. The thing is: where does it go? Haha
Hi Chicoliro
This sounds like a similar problem I came across when repairing my Aunt's typewriter. What it turned out to be was the carriage rails had been bent apart slightly at the ends causing the carriage to drop down slightly at the end of its travel. Being a mechanic with my own shop, I removed the carriage from the unit then removed the carriage track from the main body. Then, with the careful use of a vice I was able to get the carriage rails parallel.
Getting the carriage back into its track turned out to be a little more tricky than I thought as all 4 balls and anti-creep star wheels have to be timed properly. If you can find a way to check the carriage rails for trueness and maybe straighten them without having to remove the carriage, I would recommend trying that first. All the best,
I see. It's a bit complicated for me, because I'm only a beginner. Any tips on how to proceed?
It's really hard to advise without seeing things and trying it ourselves. I know that doesn't help you.
If you want to send me any pictures or videos I'd be happy to look and see how they compare to mine
Any developments? I'd like to know how this turned out.