My Olympia SM9 deluxe had been having vibrator problems. It would not let the ribbon go down to it's bottom position when I typed. The words on each line stayed partially covered. I tried everything and had a 50% improvement. My wife suggested I take the ribbon out and run a piece of scratchy material she works with called tule (sp?) between the vibrator and the metal piece in front of it. With the material folded over about five times and run through for a few minutes, it emerged dirty and ink covered. The problem is now fixed and the vibrator works fine raising and lowering the ribbon perfectly.
she buys the material at craft stores and makes pot scrubbers from it.
Interesting fix! I think it's spelled "tulle."
It's not a "fix" that I would recommend. Using an abrasive material (something you would make a pot scrubber out of) on metal parts that might be plated is not a good idea, especially not when a proper cleaning solution such as mineral spirits would as effectively remove any contamination from those parts without harming its surface.
I'm having the same issue with my Olympia splendid 33. Have tried cleaning but it hasn't made a difference. The odd thing is the vibrator works perfectly when shift lock is on, but not without?