Not sure how rare these are, but I find this one in pretty good shape, except for ribbon issues. The vibrator wasn't working but I managed to free it up. The imprint is now lighter, with some letters cut off. It also had paper-feed issues, but these improved after several applications of rubber rejuvenator; today, I will lightly sand the platen. It came with the original case for $35, which I think is a hell of a deal. Further repairs may be beyond my abilities, so this one will most likely end up at the shop. Any thoughts on this one and the model itself?
P.S. Serial number is 10222.
Is this the Underwood three rank machine you were referring to in your other post?
Definitely a nice little machine ! I would think of this as a 'writers machine' because having to shift back and forth to get to the figures and numbers would seem cumbersome for general work.
Still, I can see some small shop using a machine like this to keep neat records and correspondence at the time when it was new to the market.
If I were to find one even at twice what you STOLED THIS ONE FOR (he, he, he...) I would snap it up just because it says Underwood.
A tiny little machine like that would probably be quite nice for taking on vacation, if one wished to write a bit.
Just bought one of these myself. I took it to a nearby shop for servicing and repair as it had a lot of issues. Platen/feed roles need replacing, keys are misaligned, etc etc $400 quote to recondition completely.
Steep but I like this machine so I'll pay. It's my first typewriter, I really like the black/white contrast
Idk how to attach pic ...
Here we go...