beak wrote:
it is always best to disengage these rollers whenever any machine is not actually in use.
Does keeping the rollers in the disengaged position put wear on the springs?
Well, yes. But I have never heard of the paper-release springs being a problem in a machine, and if they ever were, they would be an easy replacement. The feed rollers, on the other hand, can be a swine to deal with.
I already keep the rollers disengaged when not in use. I'll put the typewriters in my friend's house when the time comes. Thanks for the help!
Does anybody know who sells or makes dust covers that are at least 70cm x 40cm x 32cm?
Air circulation is your friend. Many plastics off gas, and these products can react with plastic covers, parts, etc. and cause discoloration of metals. Look for archival rated materials if you are covering them. I had an Olivetti from the 60's that the factory cover ended up getting sticky on the underside and stuck to the machine. As an old audio visual equipment guy told me, all rubber and plastic goes to it's original component--petroleum, be they drive belts, covers, and in some cases the covers go brittle. I put silica gel in with the portables in their cases. Cool, dry, as much as possible, but air circulation is the best for fending off rust and mildew.