I want to pass on info on a metal polishing product I have been using. It's called White Diamond Metal Polish. I found it at an auto parts store on a recommendation on dealing with a severely dulled aluminum carriage return lever. The stuff is the best I have ever found. It's somewhat spendy, $16USD for 12 oz but worth every penny. The aluminum lever went from a dull grey to a gleaming finish that resembled polished chrome. The polish has sealant in it, and after 5 years, the lever still gleams. I just touched up my Royal 10's nickel plating on the carriage end trim, bail, and the rings on the key tops. Other than some age related pitting, the nickel gleams like new. If there's rust, Turtle Wax's Chrome Polish & Rust Remover helps a lot on the luster and it will remove light surface rust. I use the White Diamond to finish up and protect the part.
Thanks for the information. Came in the forum looking to see what others have used to get some shine back to parts. I’ve cleaned with brass bristles and patient thinner which has helped remove grime but need something to help with the dullness.
What I have been using happily is Simichrome, a polish that seems to be just like White Diamond, according to Corona Joe's description. Simichrome is available at motorcycle shops and you know how those guys like their shiny. It also cleans and brightens up plastics and Bakelite as well as aluminum and plated metals but do not rub too hard or you'll leave worn spots. Take it easy and check results often. Not good on crinkle paint either. It does not remove rust or pitting, just shines what should be shiny.
The automotive painting industry has a variety of rubbing compounds and polishing compounds but I can never remember which is gentler and which is more aggressive and that's important.