Hi! I've obtained an IBM Correcting Selectric III that I would ideally like to repair. As someone who grew up in the digital age after typewriters, I am fascinated by how they work and would love to learn more. I have no experience with typewriter repair, so I would love to hear any advice, if this is feasible, whether I should even attempt it, etc. The machine powers on and the motor runs. It used to work somewhat (i.e. I could type and the carriage would advance) when I first got it, but now the keys are stuck and the carriage doesn't advance. Here are the problems that I see:
*Please see the reddit thread (reddit . com/r/typewriters/comments/6m66va/repairing_ibm_selectric_iii/) for links to the images. Apparently I can't post links yet, sorry.*
[*]There is a gear that I believe is supposed to drive the carriage. The string is unwound from this gear and tangled, as you can see here:
[*]This cable that leads to the carriage appears loose and it looks like it slipped off its pulley wheel on the left. Image: (On a related note, I've seen some videos where the black plates behind the carriage (the one that has the IBM logo on it in this picture above) appear to be removed. How can I get take them out?)
[*]Overall, there is quite a lot of gunk/grime buildup. Images:
I'm thinking it might be a good idea to "teardown" the entire machine, clean each part, and reassemble. As I said, I have no experience with typewriter repair, but I'm excited to try it and learn how they work. Is this something worth trying, or would it be foolish to even attempt it? Any suggestions on how I can at least repair the issues above?
I posted this on reddit at r/typewriters and the consensus seems to be not to try doing a full teardown. Any more input on how to fix the issues above is greatly appreciated!
I also have a Selectric lll. It works pretty good as it only had one owner. The covers come off pretty easy, or rather the "works" slip out like a cartridge and most of the mechanical components are exposed for cleaning or adjustment, and the belt drive is easy to service. There are a couple of Youtube vids that show how the cover or casement works. Other than that, they are complicated to work on and require a precise logical order of adjustment. The best I can say is that all procedures are systematic; a singular screw up can affect other assemblies that can lead you down a circular path. My advice is read as much as you can find, there are some repair books on the net such as Ebay and perhaps the 1st time around is to have an IBM fluent repairman tackle it. Then when you pick it up you might get some insight on it.
There is also an IBM/Selectric group over on Yahoo. They're a pretty savvy bunch and I believe there are visits from some retired IBM techs and typewriter repair guys. I'm sure they can help as well.