Hello everyone!
I'm just another guy who knows pretty much nothing about typewriters (I'm 25 y.o.)
I have bought a Princess 300 for my girlfriend as a birthday present, and she loved it!
It was advertised as working and it looked like it was. However this is now happening, and sometimes it "unlocks" and you can type a few letters.. You can see in the video here:
So if you know whats up here, let me know My gf is really eager to use it, but we were unable to do that yet.
Thank you!
Check that the right margin is not set way over to the left - it looks like what you are doing in the vid is trying to type beyond the end of the line, which is defined by where the right margin is set; the margin stop won't allow that unless you press the margin release (double arrow key on the left side of the keyboard). This may not be the problem, but it's the first thing to try.
Last edited by beak (10-4-2015 07:16:23)
Hey there,
Did you ever have luck with your problem? I just received mine as well and it too is having trouble with the typeslugs hitting the platen. I adjusted the margins but that didn't help. Any other suggestions =)
Ok, so I was finally able to figure out the problem (at least for my machine). Under the keys, the piece of the fram that runs the length of the space bar, had a spring attached to it and the small thin rod that allows the type bars to make full contact with the platen. Perhaps that could alo be your issue or better yet you have figured it out =)
I figure it's always nice to share =D