When I got it, the space bar advanced, but didn't move most of the time when I hit the keys. I also wondered why there isn't a return lever. Then I started playing with the levers on the back, on both sides. I must have screwed it up, because now the carriage doesn't advance and won't engage. I suspect those levers on the side are for margin stops or tabs, but am not sure. Can anybody help?
It looks to me, from images I've seen, like the carriage return is in the left side. It will be connected to the line spacing mechanism, so following that back to a lever is likely your best bet for finding it.
Does Margin Release allow movement?
What about pressing backspace partway down?
My guess would be dirt in the escapement preventing parts from moving to where they should be under spring tension. A good cleaning might be all it takes to get it operational again.
andreccantin wrote:
It looks to me, from images I've seen...
What images? I'm not seeing anything in the original post here except text.
I put "Olympia Filia" into Google Images, and found a typewriter with no obvious carriage return lever. I figured this matched the description given in the original post.
Sorry, I should have specified that.