So I've been trying to get my grandma Colibri up and running.
There are just two or three keys that continue to give me problems.
After some mineral spirits they will move freely , and then lock up again later.
Has anyone had issues like this were something seemed to be fixed and then came back again...
Every day the "u" key will come free for about 10 keystrokes and then go right on back to getting stuck in the segment…
Already covered and discussed here:
Unless you want to tear apart the entire machine and perform an thorough cleaning of every individual part, you're going to have to be patient and understand that spot cleaning applications take time and sometimes numerous applications because you're counting on the fluid to slowly work its way in and cause whatever dirt that might be in there to dissolve and or to be forced out. Piecemeal cleaning will never be as effective as taking something apart, but in the long run it's quicker, and for someone of your skill level, manageable.
At the same time, you should be checking and cleaning all of the linkages and pivot points between the key lever and the type bar. It's not always just a dirty segment that is the cause of these issues.
Ya I've just used so much solution on this teeny tiny machine I'm beginning to suspect it isn't the segment at all
so just keep dousing and working it huh...
I had trouble with I can't remember now which typewriter, and after much segment cleaning, swearing and complaining I looked under the machine and the problem was elsewhere. A "tooth" of the comb ( the piece which guides the movement of the typebar levers) was bent, so it was pressing against the "N" key lever and then the typebar went forward but didn't come back to resting position. I pressed it gently, put it back into position and the problem was solved in about 5 seconds. After much tinkering, that is... A bad habit of typewriters is that once you assume the trouble is somewhere, most probably the spirit of the machine will move it elsewhere.
Now I remember, it was an Orga Privat 2. A toy machine or a standard sized typewriter? Bit of both.
schyllerwade wrote:
so just keep dousing and working it huh...
Uwe wrote:
At the same time, you should be checking and cleaning all of the linkages and pivot points between the key lever and the type bar. It's not always just a dirty segment that is the cause of these issues.
Appreciate the feedback, as always guys
Well the only other thing it seems like it might be the culprit is, if you're looking straight down at the top of the typewriter, there's something in the space between The row of keys closest to the basket and the tops of the type bars in the resting position. Some sort of lever moves when you press the key and I wonder if I need to get in there
Or if it's possible or even likely that the problem is somewhere in there..
But yes, I have hit the other pivot points all along the underside for those keys that persist in sticking. I'll keep at it.
I can relate though to having thought the problem was something when it was actually something else completely different. I had an Adler Contessa and two keys wouldn't move it all. Totally frozen.
Of course I want about all the usual things, but in the end what happened was a piece of plastic had broken off and gotten lodged in the space through which the typebars usually move. It was as easy as getting some tweezers picking it out
Not many places things can hide though in this little hummingbird ..
Just an update ( and many thanks to those who chimed in)
I have been all but submerging my little hummingbird in mineral spirits 3 to 4 times per day and it finally freed up today
But it turns out the key arm in question was slightly bent..
I had previously looked into this but I suspect that even if I had bent it back into the correct position, there was still grime and dirt to clean out,
At any rate the machine is usable now, although the upper case "U" seemed to stick a little, but it was more of slow return than being outright stuck. After a little typing it seemed to more or less correct itself. There is now only the issue of reshaping the "N" key to correct the misalignment
I have experienced both effects -- that repeated application of solvent were necessary and the problem came back between applications, and that the problem lay elsewhere. Patience and analysis are your friend. My pet theory for getting better and then getting worse again is that the mechanism has a gummy residue which is softened by solvent but not fully removed, so when the solvent evaporates the problem comes back. If this happens you probably will eventually fix it by repeated cleanings as gradually the dissolved residue will come out. If the solvent has no effect at all then you want to start looking for other causes. I've seen several rubbing carriages that did not respond further to cleaning and found the problem in some unexpected place, and yes, found bent rubbing linkages for stubborn sticky keys.