So many Underwood variants, and I am not very well versed. But based on the lack of bicolor "seesaw" selector, maybe it's a 2? Maybe it got rebuilt along the way -- that sticker on the left front would be good to see.
Maybe others can make a positive ID.
In any event, welcome! If it's working well, great! A classic machine, for sure.
I believe it is an Underwood 4. If you want to date the machine, you can find the serial number on the top of the frame, on the right side under the carriage, and reference the list here.
The sticker reads, "Underwood Elliott Fisher Limited Toronto, Canada". And the serial number is 72451-4. So, if I'm reading that reference list correctly, it would have been made around 1905?
I would guess that the typewriter was originally built between 1904-1906, and judging from the decals, refurbished/rebuilt sometime afterward. The "Underwood Ellitott-Fisher Limited Toronto, Canada" sticker was probably added later as I think the Underwood Ellott-Fisher reorganization was in the late 20's, but the frame style is the earlier shape.
Oh thank you so much! This really helped!