Thought you all would like this...
So I typed a letter to Tom Hanks informing him I was upset that he got me hooked on typewriters. Well, he wrote back in typical Hanks style. What a great guy!
You can see the correspondense here:
Well, no wonder he replied -- you gave him a self-addressed, stamped envelope! But seriously, that's pretty neat. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how did you know the address to use?
Fleetwing wrote:
... how did you know the address to use?
I've seen a number of these posted online (it's still very cool that Hanks takes the time, assuming it is him and not someone who handles such things for him). Just try a search and you'll see what I mean.
Very, very cool! I like his stationery!
I saw that on Reddit a couple weeks back too. So I am in the same boat. I have recently become obsessed with typewriters, since I recently saw one in an antique store, I spent a week straight of reading about them online (after my weeklong learning spree, I have discovered it was an Underwood Champion).
So far I have acquired two Olivetti Lettera 32s (one was a last minute "make offer" deal that was actually accepted). A few days ago the postman brought an Olivetti Studio 44. I have yet to have time to even open it (hopefully today). And, last night I won an auction for an SM3 Deluxe, as well as lost an auction for an SG1. I'm going crazy!
A Royal QDL is on my list of wants (as is a Hermes).
Btw, I don't know Tom Hanks at all personally, but the response seems very "Tom Hanks." (Deal with it - ha ha). It's very cool that he responded.
Tom Hanks talks typewriters, Trump, typewriters, Hollywood, typewriters....
More Tom Hanks talking typewriters. This 8-minute piece on CBS This Morning was pretty good.
Also, he explains to Maureen Dowd how he hates hotels using typewriters as vintage decor here.
Congratulations scottw!
I've been putting off buying a typewriter for a couple of years and then CBS Sunday Morning had Tom Hanks on discussing typewriters on 10/15/17. I was doomed. I bought my first typewriter 3 days later.
From the Maureen Dowd interview this is my favorite part:
"Typewriters are making a comeback. I’m going to confirm that. And I’ll tell you why: because you will not lose your data and no one can hack your typewriter.Having worked professionally with computers for 40 years this is one of my reasons for wanting a typewriter (but my main reason is because I just like them a lot). If it isn't hooked up to the internet it can't be hacked from the internet."
Anyway, when I get my typewriter working I'll practice a bit and then I'm typing Mr. Hanks a letter. It would be great if he replies but it will still be fun even if he doesn't reply.