So last week I finally got back my platen and feedrollers (along with some others I had redone). Getting the feedrollers back in was a bit of a pain, and I eventually had to put them in pointing the other way. The way these things are made is that on one side (the right) they have pointed ends, and on the other (left) they're completely flat. Eventually, in order to get it back in, I reversed it, so the pointy end is now pointing left.
So some pictures.
First from the platen and paperbailrollers (I just sent out all the rubber I could take off);
Secondly, a print sample, showing how crisp and clear the print is now:
And lastly, the machine, seen from the front:
So, the machine now feeds paper really well, and print is much clearer. Also, it's more quiet now.
But! Putting everything together, and testing this thing, caused me to notice two (new?) problems:
The caps-lock won't stay down.
I have to take another look at how this is set-up and working. I hope I can get it to work, but if not, no harm done. How often do you use caps-lock anyway?..
The machine's carriage won't advance occassionally, near the end of the line (basically always around the exact same spot).
You can actually see this in the print sample, as the machine, when double spacing is e n a b l e d, doesn't always go forward two spaces (see the "over" in the lazy dog line). When using single spacing, this causes the machine to stack characters. Very annoying.
I've tried all the obvious things, like give the rails a good clean, and try and clean the segment and spacing mechanism as much as possible with some white spirits. Then some very light lubrication (sewing machine oil) on the rails. All works well, except that spot near the end of the line.
There's enough tension on the spring, as the tabulator mechanism works just fine, and I actually tried rolling the spring drum around one more time, and re-attaching the drawband - to no avail...
Any thoughts/idea's? Perhaps something I've overlooked? Or maybe I should tinker with the sensitivity of the spacing mechanism? I wonder how necessary it is, considering the machine runs well, except at that spot near the end...
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
I've done some more cleaning, and tried to investigate further into the problem of the 'stacking' characters (carriage not advancing correctly).
And, although the cleaning of the rails and escapement did seem to bring some improvement, it still isn't working 100%.
I've also noticed that if I bring the typehammer manually to the platen, the machine engages earlier/faster when the carriage is to the right, as compared to when it's to the left. I.e. the further along the line we get, the less sensitive the machine gets. I could understand it if it were the same sensitivity all along the carriage, but having decreased sensitivity as you move along? What could be causing this?
Any thoughts?
FYI, when the carriage is to the far right, the escapement engages when the typehammer is close to (but inside) the typeguide. When the carriage is to the left, the escapement only engages when the typehammer is actually inside the typeguide. This is what I mean with 'decreased sensitivity'. Sorry if my wording is inexact or vague...