Hey all! As the title says, I'm looking for my first typewriter right now and have compiled a list from the local Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and Letgo listings. What I was hoping is that you guys might be able to help give me some suggestions about which one(s) to pursue. Sorry if this rambles a bit, I'm using this post to help kind of organize my thoughts.
Royal 10:
Royal KMM:
Underwood Portable:
Remington Quiet-Riter:
Smith Corona Sterling:
These are from Facebook Marketplace, not sure how to provide a link... They generally look pretty decent for their respective ages.
Royal KHM: $59 "Excellent condition! Keys are beautiful! Types well...all keys work...ribbon is good".
Olympia SM9: $45. "In great working condition, new ribbon".
Underwood Leader $65: "It's in very good condition for its age. All buttons work. All you need is a new ribbon and it will work with no problem".
So basically they break down like this:
1. Old standard sized, presumably these are more common for local sale because of the difficulty of shipping them. Anyway, there's a Royal 10, KHM, and KMM. Any thoughts on the plusses or minuses of each? All else equal, the Royal 10 looks the coolest by virtue of being oldest and having the glass windows but if it's a lot less reliable then one of the slightly newer models might be better? It's down to $40 now and supposedly includes the table.
2. "Normal" portables, here I'm talking about the Quiet-Riter and Sterling. Bread & Butter stuff. Also I should mention that my mother-in-law supposedly has a couple of old typewriters in storage and is willing to give me at least one. I'm assuming they're probably similar to these but she hasn't been able to give me the exact models yet so they could be different. One is supposed to be a Smith Corona of some sort. I'll be able to see them in person over Thanksgiving weekend.
3. Neat older portables. That's the Underwood Leader and the Underwood Portable. The Leader looks cleaner between the two. Anything I should know about the differences between these models? I'm assuming that since the Leader is the newer model it's probably a better performer unless it's their budget model or something. I've sent a query to find out the price on the Portable and more about its condition.
4. The Olympia SM9, a much more modern machine and a well known performer.
I kind of feel like the Olympia is a bit of a no-brainer because even if I don't end up liking it that much it shouldn't be hard to resell or trade it. However, it doesn't have much of a vintage look. I'd also like at least one older one that I can do some cleanup work on to kind of start learning the ropes on servicing. Any one of the standard sized or the two older portables should be fine for that. And a Quiet-Riter or Sterling is just a good workhorse I think but likely to turn up again where the Underwoods maybe not.
I'm tentatively thinking then to maybe look at the Underwood Leader first, then the Royal 10, then the SM9? Unfortunately they're all about an hour away in different directions so it will take some time to see them all. And if the Underwood Portable ends up being a reasonable price and condition that may be worth picking up too? The Quiet-Riter and Sterling I think can easily wait until after I see what's at the in-laws house.
Your first typewriter? I'd strongly suggest getting the free one from your mother-in-law to start. Use the machine, become familiar with how it works (and how everything should work), and discover through practical use what you like and dislike about the machine. With that newly obtained knowledge you'll be far better equipped and have a more critical eye when looking at machines that you would actually have to pay money for.
Uwe: You have a good point there. I'm still trying to get a list of what machine(s) she has, but it would surely be useful to get a little experience to gain a better sense of what I like. I should mention that while this will be my first time owning a vintage typewriter, I actually have used a typewriter before. Our family had one when I was growing up and I took a typing class in High School back around 1986 or so. Also, even if I don't act on it until later I'd still like time to do my research beforehand on my "short list".
mre12ax7: I agree that this looks like one of the hotter finds. I've had no trouble locating multiple KMM's for instance leading me to believe that I can get one later on without much trouble. 10's appear more rare and should be followed up on.
And by way of an update, the Olympia SM9 is sold now since this morning. A reminder not to tarry too long but to seize the moment? I'm going to call the Royal 10 seller and see what more I can find out about that particular machine. However, I will also try not to go too overboard until after Thanksgiving.
One more update about the Underwoods... Apparently the Leader may have been a budget model, so it may or may not be superior to the older Underwood Portable which I'm still trying to pin down and get a price for. This is taken from
"In 1949, another model was added to this line, the Leader, which was a much more basic version of the Universal-Champion."
However, the Leader I'm looking at is an earlier model so I'm not 100% sure this still applies.
dboeren wrote:
Uwe: You have a good point there. I'm still trying to get a list of what machine(s) she has, but it would surely be useful to get a little experience to gain a better sense of what I like. I should mention that while this will be my first time owning a vintage typewriter, I actually have used a typewriter before. Our family had one when I was growing up and I took a typing class in High School back around 1986 or so. Also, even if I don't act on it until later I'd still like time to do my research beforehand on my "short list".
mre12ax7: I agree that this looks like one of the hotter finds. I've had no trouble locating multiple KMM's for instance leading me to believe that I can get one later on without much trouble. 10's appear more rare and should be followed up on.
And by way of an update, the Olympia SM9 is sold now since this morning. A reminder not to tarry too long but to seize the moment? I'm going to call the Royal 10 seller and see what more I can find out about that particular machine. However, I will also try not to go too overboard until after Thanksgiving.
One more update about the Underwoods... Apparently the Leader may have been a budget model, so it may or may not be superior to the older Underwood Portable which I'm still trying to pin down and get a price for. This is taken from
"In 1949, another model was added to this line, the Leader, which was a much more basic version of the Universal-Champion."
However, the Leader I'm looking at is an earlier model so I'm not 100% sure this still applies.
The leader was always somewhat of a budget model.
OK, good to know. So, maybe a greater chance of reliability issues then. Also, turns out the Portable was mis-listed. It's in Kentucky not Atlanta, so that's off the list.
Well, "budget model" may just simply mean fewer features -- a lower price and also fewer things to go wrong. For instance, some of the budget line typewriters (like Smith-Corona Clipper and Royal Arrow) didn't have a tabulator feature at all, which you may find you don't need anyway. Otherwise, I've found the mechanicals of the budget line machines to be frequently the same as the premium models.
Yeah, it's probably tricky to know which budget models used cost-cutting measures and which merely omitted certain mechanisms from the higher end machines. I don't know that fewer features on a 30's model is a big deal. If you want more gadgets you're probably better off getting machine that's a few decades newer.
So I've got an appointment to go see the Royal 10 this Saturday and I've preemptively gone ahead and ordered a new ribbon/spools for it to arrive Monday since it doesn't have one at all currently.
Speaking of tabulators... From what I can tell, it's pretty common for a Royal 10/KHM/KMM/etc... to be missing most or all of its tab stops. Is there anywhere that sells replacements, whether original or just reproduction "functional" ones? I may get lucky and it's still got some, but just thinking ahead here.
Regarding missing tab stops, you must mean the ones that are manually removed and relocated. I suppose that may be true, but haven't given too much thought to it. Definitely they are of a specific shape, so finding reproduction ones may be a tall order.
However, know that the KMM and subsequent Royal standards have built-in tab stops, one for each space, so the chances of those being missing are pretty low. (I think the KHM is similar, but I don't have mine right in front of me to check this.)
Yes, the manually moved ones are what I mean.
I found this article describing how to make replacement tab stops for an LC Smith, the same method may work for the Royal as well I think if it comes to that:
I don't have the metal cutting equipment mentioned in the article but perhaps a Dremel would suffice. They're certainly not as nice as the originals but they'd likely do the job.