I was told to address this in the maintenance forum so here goes:
The Olivetti I have has a Red tab key. I can set the tab ok with lever on the left by pushing up. However to go to the tab set location, depressing the Red tab key alone does nothing but if I depress the Red tab key simultaneously with carriage release, it will go to the tab that I set. It is a two finger operation instead of one. I was told that this is not normal for this typewriter(the skimpy manual on a two sided card is of no help). Is the there an easy fix or a particular part that needs cleaning? The typewiter itself is very clean and as far as I can tell functions well in all other respects.
Hi Martin
This sounds to me as if the escapement rack isn't disengaging from the pinion when the tab key is pressed. I would be inclined to say that something in the tabulator system has come disconnected. If you are feeling adventurous, removed the bottom screws and lift the mechanics of the machine out of the plastic base, then follow the tab linkage through from the red tab key to the back of the machine and see if anything looks disconnected or stuck. Let us know what you find. All the best,
Took the plunge, and looked for any parts disengaged or stuck. Everything looked intacked. Pressing the red tab key seemed a little stiff so I put a 1 small drop of light oil on an area that looked right. For 5 min it worked and I thought my job was done. Then I had trouble with the tab clearence and that took a lot of time. I concluded it was due to a funky tab set lever in the front of the machine( have to play with lever to find the "sweet spot" in order for it to work). Then I discovered the red tab key no longer worked. I spent several more hours experimenting and observing and could not recreate my initial success. I decided that I could go no further knowing my limitations. At this time I will live with the original problem. At least I was able to clean the innards better and cleaned out the foam rot from the sound damping material. What do repairman replace this with?