I can't catch a break with this thing. Once again I have a question about the '48 KMM.
It was typing just fine, if a little stiff on some keys. Then suddenly the type "dropped" and now I can only see the top half of what I type. I didn't touch any screws and have tried flipping all the switches to make sure nothing got stuck midway. The only odd thing that happened was when the shift lock was engaged: the 2 key got stuck and I pulled it down partway before releasing the shift and it dropped back down with a chunky sound. What caused the change? Is there some sort of alignment thing I can try? Thanks!
The type dropped? Do you have a carriage shift machine or a segment...I'd assume segment...
Try looking at the rack and pinion setup that moves the segment along with the shift keys. Make sure it didn't bottom out. Also try checking the lower margin stops. I have a bunch of pictures of that here.
If this isn't a result of adjustments you made, something is probably binding or stuck. I would not recommend messing with the alignment if something is else is likely wrong or you will throw off the alignment, which will not be amusing to redo from scratch. If you didn't mess with the alignment screws, then leave them alone until you fix the problem or you will make everything worse. If the alignment adjustment was correct before, then it is not the issue, and should be left alone.
Yeah, I've got a segment. I assume the 'rack and pinion setup' is the little balls that roll the segment up and down. I don't know what 'bottom out' looks like.
As for the margin stops, they appear to be in the same place as before and I never touched them, so that's probably not the issue. I don't want to adjust those or the alignment. Something must be binding or stuck, but I don't know what it is. The typeface just isn't going as high as before. I'll keep poking around and hope it fixes itself.
We’re not looking for margain stops. There are separate stops underneath the machine that contoll how low the segment is permitted to go, as well as how high. By bottom out, I meant the whole thing came apart and there are gears lying on the bottom of your machine.
Check the shift return springs. There are two thick springs in the bottom of the machine that allow the segment to come back up. Make sure these are in place and working. I’d they are stretched out, bend up the nearest coil and hook that one on instead. I have photos in the link I posted above.
Oh, well, I called them margin stops because you did in your first post. But the shift stops are in their original positions. The springs are also fine, with plenty of strength in them.
The rack and pinion seem fine, unless the balls could've moved a tad and that threw things off. I can't really get a good look at them.
As I said, it types fine, you just can't see the bottom half of the letters as the carriage moves along. Whatever happened shifted things only a tiny bit. If nothing else changes soon, I'll adjust the shift stops.
Is it the lower case, the captials, or both with which this is occuring? This may be an issue with the vibrator not raising high enough, and have nothing to do with the segment.
If this is happening on the lower case letter, I think it could be an issue with the vibrator not raising all the way, due to either an issue with the vibrator mechanism, or the ribbon dragging and holding the vibrator down.
It's lower and upper case. But even without the ribbon or if it's on stencil, the type still isn't high enough.
When it is in the unshifted position, are the lower shift stops in contact with the shift stop cushion, or is there something preventing the mechanism from reaching the stops?