I recently purchased a Smith Corona Silent in quite good condition. As a new comer to typewriter collecting, I tried using the typewriter database website to identify the year of my machine. But it is not clear to me if I am correct that the serial number of 4S112206 is c. 1946. Any assistance would be appreciated or a pointer to the right info source.
typerkarl wrote:
I recently purchased a Smith Corona Silent in quite good condition. As a new comer to typewriter collecting, I tried using the typewriter database website to identify the year of my machine. But it is not clear to me if I am correct that the serial number of 4S112206 is c. 1946. Any assistance would be appreciated or a pointer to the right info source.
Hi there! Welcome to the addicti--uh--hobby. Yes. Thats the correct date. My understanding is that the TWDB has pretty dependable information. I've never used a Silent, but Ive heard good things and my old SC Galaxie II was a very nice machine.
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure that owning one "vintage" typewriter constitutes being a collector. But I do intend to use the machine for its intended purpose.
typerkarl wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure that owning one "vintage" typewriter constitutes being a collector. But I do intend to use the machine for its intended purpose.
Pish-posh. My "collection" only includes one machine. It's just a small collection And I'm also more of a user than a collector. Best writing tool there is. Careful, though, they can reproduce asexually... always be on guard...